Resisting GossipSmakprov

Resisting Gossip

DAG 5 AV 7

Out of a Bad Heart

Gossip comes out of a bad heart. That is, gossip is caused by something that is wrong at the core of our beings. We are attracted to the “choice morsels” of gossip because of something already wrong in our “inmost parts.” Accepting this is the most important key to resisting gossip.

The Lord Jesus taught that “out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matt. 12:34). The heart is the control center of a person. It is the inner you, the real you. The Bible also teaches that we live from our hearts. Proverbs says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (4:23). Our motives spring from our hearts. Our sinful motivations for speaking about or listening to any form of bad news are what makes sinful gossip sinful. Therefore, in recognizing gossip the most important question for us to answer is, “Why?”

  • Why am I saying this?
  • Why am I listening to this?
  • Why am I attracted to this bad news?

It could be because of jealousy, anger, or hate. Or it could be the result of boredom, pride, or the fear of people. There are a number of sinful heart motivations that can produce sinful gossip. The good news is that the gospel of Jesus Christ has answers for them all (Eph. 1:7).

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Om den här läsplanen

Resisting Gossip

Gossip is everywhere: it's something that we all experience. No one is safe from its tantalizing lure and poisonous effects. Thankfully, the Bible is bursting with wisdom on the subject. This 7-day devotional will arm followers of Christ with the biblical weapons we need to resist gossip in all its forms. Let this devotional be your first step in winning the War of the Wagging Tongue.—Matthew C. Mitchell
