4 Money Lessons From the Apostle PaulSmakprov

4 Money Lessons From the Apostle Paul

DAG 4 AV 4

It’s okay to be wealthy.

Wait a second – didn’t you just say Christians aren’t called to be about nest eggs and fancy cars?

Am I contradicting myself here?

Not at all. I don’t believe Christians need to take a vow of poverty because you can have money in the bank and not serve mammon. It all comes down to the heart.

Additionally, if we truly view ourselves as stewards and understand that every dollar we have is actually His and not ours, then regardless of what the bank account says, we are not the ones who are rich. We are merely managing whatever is in the bank account for God… as He directs.

But, if you are wealthy, you have to be careful – and you have to be generous (that is the first specific instruction on how we should manage His money). Look at what Paul says in 1 Timothy 6:17-18:

As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.

Notice Paul says they are to do good, be generous and ready to share. It’s OK to be wealthy, but let’s remember that it is all His and let’s be ready to share!

Let’s pray:

Father, I come before You today, seeking wisdom and guidance in understanding the role of money in my life. Help me to recognize the dangers of loving money and to focus on what truly matters - my relationship with You and serving others. Teach me, Lord, to be generous with the blessings You have given me.

As I work hard to provide for myself and my family, remind me, Father, that my true purpose is to be a blessing to others. Help me to share my resources with those in need, and not to idolize wealth. Give me the wisdom to see myself as a steward of Your resources, managing them according to Your will.

As my income increases help me to remain humble, trusting in You and not the uncertainty of riches. Encourage me to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share. Let my heart always be focused on You, Lord, and never on material possessions.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

If you enjoyed this plan, you’ll love my award-winning book Simple Money, Rich Life. It’s the operating manual we (a broke middle-class couple) followed to get full control of our money and give away $1 million by age 40. It'll help you earn more, save more, and have more fun giving than you thought possible… all without a hint of guilt or shame. As a thank you I’d love to give you a copy. All I ask is that you help me cover shipping and handling. Sound good? Get it here:


Dag 3

Om den här läsplanen

4 Money Lessons From the Apostle Paul

Discover the secrets to a fulfilling life through this inspiring 4-part devotional. Uncover the dangers of loving money, embrace the power of generosity, redefine your purpose in work, and learn how to balance wealth and giving. Let the teachings of Apostle Paul guide you to a life of abundance, both spiritually and financially, while staying true to God's Word.
