Becoming Me: Choosing to Be YouSmakprov

Becoming Me: Choosing to Be You

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How To Love Yourself

Hey warrior friend, that thing you’re telling yourself, would you say that to a friend?

Would you tell your best friend she wasn’t good enough?

Would you tell your brother he wasn’t smart enough?

Would you tell your neighbor she couldn’t do it even if she tried?

Would you tell your sister she wasn’t pretty enough?

If you wouldn’t tell someone else discouraging things, why are you telling YOU those things?

The way you speak to and treat YOU determines who you’re becoming. It’s time to be kind to yourself. It’s time to CALL YOURSELF UP to who you’re becoming by the way you speak life to your own mind. To become who God made you to be, you must love yourself!

The next time you feel mean thoughts bubbling to the surface or you’re doubting who you can become, PAUSE. Take a breath. Ask yourself if you would say those things to a friend. And then re-write the script. Speak the TRUTH of GOD’s WORD and ENCOURAGEMENT to your mind and remind yourself YOU CAN BE YOU because only you have the power to CHOOSE TO BE YOU.

I love the reminder of Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers & sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Be kind to yourself, warrior friend. You are a warrior. And you are becoming! Believing it… taking your best step becoming you today… starts with you!


Take an inventory of what words you have been speaking to yourself lately. Talk with God and ask Him to show you who He made you to be. Commit today to speak words of life over who you are and who you’re becoming!

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Om den här läsplanen

Becoming Me: Choosing to Be You

How can you become who you dream of being in life? What’s your purpose? Who did God design you to be? The life you dream of living is discovered in the journey of becoming! This five-day plan will equip you with warrior steps discovered in God’s Word for discovering who you are & what it means to choose to be you.
