Anchorage: The Storm of Anxiety | Part 3 of 8Smakprov

Anchorage: The Storm of Anxiety | Part 3 of 8

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A Posture of Worship

The bondage of anxiety has the potential to keep us from maneuvering into the plans and purposes of God. Your soul is cherished by God, and you would not be here unless the Lord had much to display in and through your life in your unique sphere of influence. To agree with a life of habitual fear is to agree with a life void of faith. God always responds to faith, so choosing to trust Him paves the way for the miraculous. One way to position our hearts for this kind of faith that overcomes fear is through a posture of worship.

In hindsight to the days of Moses, we can see that he was purposed for great things. Early on, after the killing of an Egyptian man, Moses assumed a posture of disqualification. At the onset, his grave mistake seemed unforgivable, and the shame of his actions drove him into the wilderness. It took years before he finally encountered God again. Even when the plans for his life were revealed, the great responsibility seemed too much to bear. His mind had not shifted, so lingering and persistent fears from his past came back to haunt him. He was focused more on his shortcomings and the possibility of failure than the God who chose him for the task. Because of this, time and time again, we see God reassuring Moses that the task was not his to complete alone. The feat was a master plan of the Mastermind Deliverer who uses human vessels to carry out His purposes.

Now you best believe that the posture of disqualification is easy to stay frozen in. Reminders of your past, insecurities, and doubts can sometimes be constant, but once you give in to God’s reassurances, like Moses eventually did, know that it's His plan that takes over. However disqualified you feel, God can have His way when you display a heart that is yielded to His delivering strategy. When we position our hearts in worship rather than disqualification, we are telling God that we are in agreement with His purposes. It’s His master plan, not ours, and His goal is deliverance.

So, how do we shift to a posture of worship? My encouragement to you would be to do what has worked in the past. Is it memorizing scriptures on God’s faithfulness? Is it turning on a song about how Christ is your deliverer? Is it journaling about your fears and making them a topic of discussion with Jesus? Even surrounding yourself with a prayerful community who shakes you out of a ‘posture of disqualification’ can change everything. Approaching Jesus today with a posture of worship makes you a conduit for miraculous deliverance.


How can you relate to the feelings that Moses might have been going through before he came out of the land of Midian? What is your favorite way to take a ‘posture of worship’? How do you plan to worship God this week?

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Om den här läsplanen

Anchorage: The Storm of Anxiety | Part 3 of 8

‘Anchorage: The Storm of Anxiety’ is designed to inspire individuals, small groups, and families to navigate mental health and wellness topics. This seven-day plan incorporates character discussions, reflective questions, and prayers to help participants explore biblical examples of peace. Choose this plan to discover how these realities help us victoriously overcome the storms of life.
