Courageous Choices Part 2Smakprov

Courageous Choices Part 2

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Joshua told the people to prepare themselves by consecrating themselves (setting themselves apart from sin) so they would be holy. For God to do His miracles in their lives, they had to recognize they were sinful people and then take action to cleanse themselves.

In the Old Testament, consecration involved a lot of ceremonial washing of bodies and clothing and also changing their work schedules and interrupting good and normal activity to concentrate on personal holiness and worship.

In the book of Romans, Paul reminds us to consciously turn away from the control of sin and instead be committed to holiness. Only when we confess our sin to God and ask Him to cleanse our hearts can we be spiritually tuned in to what God wants to do in and through us.

Are there areas in your life that need God’s forgiveness and cleansing so He can do His work in you? Are the words you use on social media kind, truthful, and pleasing to God? Do you struggle with anger or stretching the truth? Do you use God’s holy name as a common exclamation? Are you investing more of yourself in Netflix or TikTok than in the Word of God? Some of these things are not a big deal at all in our society, but they matter to God; and they keep you from experiencing the abundant, Spirit-filled, and fruitful life that He wants for you.

Ask Yourself:

- How have I neglected my holiness?

Pause to Pray: Lord Jesus, I praise your holy name! You have made a way for me to be free of sin, free of apathetic living, free from shame. I confess that I struggle with… Thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you that your love covers my sin and shame. Walk with me as I seek to follow You in all I do...

Take a Next Step:

-Commit to praying prayers of confession daily this week. And when you tell God you’re sorry, receive His forgiveness! God does not heap shame on His children. He removes the burden of guilt and sets you free to walk in His ways.

-Take it a step further and ask a trusted friend to keep you accountable to prayer and repentance if you’re trying to overcome a sin habit. You’re not alone!

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Om den här läsplanen

Courageous Choices Part 2

The road of life is marked by a series of decision points, and at each crossroads, we must make a choice. Will we make courageous choices or cowardly choices? In this 4-part plan, we’ll explore the crossroads that Joshua faced as he led the Israelites into the Promised Land and learn from him how to obey God in the big and small decisions of everyday life.
