Winning RecordSmakprov

Winning Record

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If we are to run the Christian race with endurance and finish well, we must eliminate everything that would hinder us.

We must not let anything distract us from successfully completing the race. The writer warns of two problem areas and urges us to lay aside these hindrances. But how do we do this?

1.We must get rid of excess weight. Weight refers to anything that hinders our walk with God. It speaks of things that may be innocent but still slow us down. It could be simply that life is so full that we don’t really have time or energy to pursue Godly activities. We must purposely get rid of things that weigh us down, rob us of time with God, and diminish our passion for Christ.

2.We must deal decisively with besetting sin. This refers to that particular sin which trips you up. You know where you are weak. There are some sins that do not tempt you at all, but there are others that do so continually. Whatever that sin is, it must be stripped off and avoided at all costs, or it will entangle you, trip you, and prevent you from finishing your race! Do you believe that God can give you total victory over your besetting sin, or have you believed the devil’s lie?

Remove from your life anything that makes it easy for you to fall into temptation. Confess your weakness to a mature believer and make yourself regularly accountable to them. Claim God’s promise that His grace is sufficient for you and His strength is made perfect in weakness.

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, and it is through Him that we can be more than conquerors.

In closing, ask yourself this question:

In order to finish well, what do you need to let go of? What has God brought to your attention that you must get rid of in order to finish well?

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Om den här läsplanen

Winning Record

It is easy to allow life to bring us down, and to count ourselves out. God, however, knows the plans He has for us and the adversities that we have defeated. In his latest plan, David Villa encourages us to look to our winning record when it feels like we can't go on. This is Winning Record.
