The Right Kind of FriendsSmakprov

The Right Kind of Friends

DAG 5 AV 5

What the dying would have done differently

A few years ago, Bronnie Ware, an Australian author, wrote a book about her experiences in listening to dying people. As she dialogued with those in palliative care, Bronnie asked them if they had regrets, anything they would do differently if they could start life over. One of their top five answers would have made King Solomon smile: “I wish I would have stayed in touch with my friends.” In the desire for more money/status/power, work filled people’s waking hours, taking them away from those whom they loved most.

The gospel of Jesus possesses the incredible potential to free us from such busyness and backward priorities. Through our Savior’s life, death, and resurrection, we are already loved, cherished, included, and affirmed by someone infinitely greater than a boss or board of directors. We are adored by God himself!

This status frees us to say no to 60-hour workweeks and the allure of club tournament trophies so that we have time for the wonderful people God has placed in our lives, the wise friends and godly family who are a text or phone call away. You can schedule that weekly cup of coffee or that monthly dinner with a small group of friends, prioritizing time for one of life’s greatest blessings—people.

Embrace your identity in Jesus, and you’ll be free to “walk with the wise and become wise” (Proverbs 13:20).

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