Pregnancy Prayers - Pray For Your BabySmakprov

Pregnancy Prayers - Pray For Your Baby

DAG 11 AV 14

Pray For Your Baby - Day 11

Pregnancy Prayer — Forgiveness

Son of God,

You are the One True Light, the Righteous One, and the Only Begotten Son. You are Loving Kindness, the Just One, and You are Eternal Life. You are the All-Consuming Fire and Our Advocate. You're the Author of Our Faith and the Author of Peace.

One way that we obtain peace is by following what Your Word says about forgiving one another. This is a choice that we make, and I need to confess that it is sometimes very hard for me to do. We must choose to have mercy and grace and to show forgiveness when someone has wronged us. Your Word says to forgive whatever grievances we may have against one another. By faith and out of obedience, we need Your help to choose to forgive and to trust that You will honor our choice to obey You.

Lord, I pray that my baby will confess his or her sins and that You will be faithful and just to forgive my child’s sins and to cleanse him or her from all unrighteousness. Help me to be a good example of forgiveness to my child and forgive me for any unforgiveness in my heart. Let my child choose to forgive others who have wronged him or her immediately and not hold onto any unforgiveness, because it only breeds resentment and hate.

Oh, Mighty God, You are slow to anger and quick to forgive; please, have mercy on my child. In Matthew, it says, “If you forgive other people when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Almighty God, I know that you have great compassion on us. Please, blot out my child's transgressions, wash away all of his or her iniquities, and make my child pure and holy in Your sight, by the Blood of the Lamb.

Lord God, please help my child to forgive as freely as You do.


Dag 10Dag 12

Om den här läsplanen

Pregnancy Prayers - Pray For Your Baby

It’s never too early to begin praying for God’s love, forgiveness, and protection over your precious baby’s life. These prayers will guide you as you pray for your baby’s spirit as he or she grows within you. These prayers can help lead your conversations with God, and along with the recommended scripture references, you can hide His Word in your heart throughout your pregnancy. Begin praying for your baby now!
