Holidays with the Help ClubSmakprov

Holidays with the Help Club

DAG 7 AV 7

A Savior Worth Celebrating

by Tara Davis

My sweet friend, I know you have been trying so hard. Sometimes the weight of Christmas pulls at us, unleashing such pressure to perform, to live up to the expectations of others, to create a magical season for those around us. We lose our peace; we let go of our focus. We set our sights on making it through the holidays. What if it were different? What if Jesus could remain our family’s focalpoint, our reason for celebrating?

What an amazing gift we were given that night over two thousand years ago! Since the birth of sin into the world, humanity had been struggling. People had been consumed by the weight of sin, living in a world wrapped in darkness and self-inflicted sadness. We could never have saved ourselves from ourselves. However, God had a plan! We needed a Savior, a Messiah. We needed Jesus.

Our King came, not with strength and power, but as a weak, vulnerable babe. Because of this, He understands our weakness; He knows what kind of love we need. Hebrews 5:2 reveals, “He is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray since He himself is subject to weakness.” We can celebrate His tender understanding for each of His precious children!

Out of His great love for us, Jesus took on flesh. Ephesians 1:4 (ASV) whispers encouragement to our hearts, “...he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blemish before him in love.” Christmas is a love story worth celebrating: A Savior, giving up all strength to come down to earth as a baby, to save His beloved. We can celebrate Him because of His loving desire for us!

During His life on earth, Jesus went to impossible lengths to rescue us. As we grasp onto Him, He holds us and never lets us go. He is the love that never ends, the essence of hope, the restorer of peace, the giver of joy. He is “Immanuel, which means God with us” (Matthew 1:23). We can find peace in Whom we are now able to belong. We celebrate Him because of who He is and His undeniable adoration for us!

He was born for YOU, dear sister! The Lord is abounding in steadfast love for YOU (Psalm 86:15)! He is the only one who can bring you peace, who can understand your heart, and who can love you as only a Savior is able. This week we will be given the honor of celebrating Him! He is absolutely worthy of every single ounce of praise we are able to offer!

“Christmas is a love story worth celebrating: A Savior, giving up all strength to come down to earth as a baby, to save His beloved.”

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Dag 6

Om den här läsplanen

Holidays with the Help Club

Mama, we know that the holiday season can be so busy and full of endless commitments. It can feel incredibly overwhelming. But what if this year was different? What if you were able to enjoy your holidays in a more peaceful and life-giving way? Join the Help Club for Moms as we journey together, encouraging one another to focus our hearts and homes on Jesus this season!
