Where Was God In All Of This?Smakprov

Where Was God In All Of This?

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As my story continues, please remember that we have explored many things in this devotional that you will need to explore with God. He is faithful to answer you if you seek him with a sincere, humble heart. You may not hear God speak out loud, but he will use the very thing you need to confirm his word to you. Let’s continue with the story.

After my brother’s death, I immediately sprang into my role as the oldest child and began the task of making funeral arrangements, designing the funeral program, and comforting family members. All the while, my heart was breaking inside. Life after that seemed to return to somewhat a normal pace, but I wasn’t myself anymore. One fateful day about a year later, I was standing in my kitchen at the microwave. A dark curtain descended around me, and I could feel the presence of darkness sitting on top of me. I remember thinking, “I don’t think I want to be here anymore.” The thought scared me because even though I have experienced more than my share of tragedy in my life, I never thought about suicide. Immediately after the thought, I texted my then-husband and told him what I was thinking. He asked if I felt like I needed to go and talk to someone. I agreed, got in my car, and drove myself to the local mental health clinic.

Depression can fall on any of us at any time. In our constantly connected world, where social media is king, we are regularly exposed to tragedy in vivid detail. Viral videos of mass killings, suicides, and crime are circulating through the internet on a 24-hour news cycle. No wonder we are walking wounded, cranky, nervous, and anxious. In a world where it is officially unsafe to go to the grocery store, a movie, or even church without thinking twice, we have officially reached a disturbing milestone…but there is a beautiful solution. 

When the word of God introduces Jesus as the savior of the world, they didn’t present him as a powerful King sitting on a throne. He was born, just like we were from the womb of his mother, Mary. He grew up as a child in a community with neighbors, friends, and relatives. Jesus was God wrapped in human flesh who humbly presented himself as a friend to the outcast, an example of love to the world. The most compassionate and loving thing God ever did for us was to give us a savior in Christ Jesus.

John 1:14 – (New Living Testament) So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.

God was thinking ahead. He was not unaware of the tragedies and evil that would come through the hands of humans. He was not uncaring, unfeeling, and asleep at the wheel. God knew. He knew the day would come when we would need answers. 

Let’s conclude our journey tomorrow into the life of this unique and uncommon God-man named Jesus.

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Om den här läsplanen

Where Was God In All Of This?

This devotional explores the despair from seeing tragedy in the world around us. Whether you are struggling with a personal crisis or the fallout from the latest violent headlines, this devotional can help you: - Recover lost faith and hope in God - Reconnect to God’s love for the world - Understand the role God plays in the world’s ongoing story - Find connection to the ultimate source of hope


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