The Third OptionSmakprov

The Third Option

DAG 7 AV 7

Blind Spot  

This test is an example of what a blind spot is. It demonstrates that each and every one of us has a visual blind spot. Prior to this test, you may not even have known that a blind spot in your eye existed. That’s because you’re blind to it!

What you just participated in mirrors what is going on around your country with respect to race relations. A vast majority truly believe that they are not racist, and would adamantly testify that they love and treat everyone equally. If that were true, however, the racial divide would no longer exist - and we all know that it does.

I believe most people are NOT racists, but that we ALL have biases. We just don’t realize that we have them because of our own blind spots when it comes to how we treat those who are of a different ethnicity or race than us. And because we aren’t able to identify our racial blind spots, we don’t even realize that we could be saying or doing things that are offensive to others.

I encourage you to humble yourself today, by asking someone who doesn’t look like you if there is anything you say or do that is racially offensive or insensitive to them. This will help you expose, acknowledge, and pray for God’s help in eliminating and curing your blind spots.

God created every color, race, and ethnicity to be admired and appreciated as a display of his beautiful and unique creation.  I pray that you would have God’s heart – a heart of humility, love, and honor – as we all learn to embrace our neighbors of every color, origin, race and ethnicity. Together, in God’s power, we can rid ourselves of blind spots, and begin healing our nation's racial divide.

Questions for the Day:

What was your initial reaction after the blind spot test? 

Is there a time or situation where your blind spot was exposed? 

What did you learn from recognizing your blind spot? 

Dag 6

Om den här läsplanen

The Third Option

The Third Option is a 7 day video devotional that will offer guidance on racial unity by identifying the cultural influences that shape our attitudes on race and explaining why we must honor the priceless value of God’s image in all people.


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