God's Story Is Our Story: From Acts to New CreationSmakprov
Christianity is a movement. Some governments try to stagnate it by outlawing evangelism. Some churches have been so corrupted by an unhealthy pluralism that they don't see a need for more and more people to become Christians or discipled into Christian maturity. Others have made church membership what you have been born into. Church can easily become something that happens on Sunday, and then the rest of our lives goes on as normal.
But, Christianity is proactive in reaching out to people. Paul here encourages Timothy to find people who are showing signs of faithfulness and to disciple and train them so that they can reach others. That is the way Christianity is supposed to work. A church that is not growing or spreading is not alive.
But, it can be intimidating to think of reaching out or discipling someone else. Who are we to talk to others? But, Paul recognizes that this is a challenge for Timothy and for any Christian and urges us to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. We step out not trusting in ourselves, but in Christ who is at work in us and through us. This is where we get the strength to step out and be a part of the movement.
Om den här läsplanen
Make God’s story your story. In this plan, we pick up the story after the resurrection. We highlight three themes through daily scripture readings, Bible Project videos, and original devotions: 1) Jesus as the message and mission of the church. 2) The scope of that mission to all nations and all of creation 3) God’s surprising grace in the face of human evil.