Mattha 4

Jesus tempit bi tha Deil
1Then Jesus wus taen bi tha Spïrit ïntae tha wuldèrness fer tae be tempit bi tha Deil. 2Eftèr gaun wioot mait fer fowertie days an fowertie nichts, he wus gye hung'rie. 3Tha tempter cum tae hïm an saed, “If ye ir tha Sinn o God, tell thaim thair stanes tae turn ïntae breid.” 4Jesus saed bak tae hïm, “It ïs writ: ‘Man cannae leeve bi breid alane, but bi iverie wurd at cums frae tha mooth o God.’ ” 5Then tha Deil tuk hïm tae tha halie cïtie an stud hïm up on tha verie tap o tha Hoose o God. 6“If ye ir tha Sinn o God,” saed he, “throw yersel doon! Fer tha Guid Buik says: ‘He wull tell hïs angels tae luk eftèr ye, an wi thair hans the' wull haud ye up, fer fear ye dunt yer fit agin a stane.’ ” 7Jesus saed bak tae hïm, “It's ïn tha Buik forbye: ‘Ye ir no tae temp tha Loard yer God.’ ” 8An nixt thïng, tha Deil tuk hïm tae a bïg heich muntin an lut hïm see aa tha kïngdoms o tha warl ïn aa thair glorie. 9“A wull gie ye aa thïs,” he saed, “ïf ye'll jist boo doon an woarship me.” 10Jesus saed tae hïm, “Awa or that, Satan! Fer ït ïs writ doon: ‘Ye ir tae woarship tha Loard yer God an tae sarve naebodie but hïm.’ ” 11Then tha Deil lut hïm be, an angels cum an lukt eftèr hïm.
Tha stairt o Jesus' mïnistrie
12Noo whan Jesus heerd tha wittins that Jhone haed bin püt ïn jail, he went bak ïntae Galilee. 13An eftèr leain Nazareth, he gaed tae Capernaum an he stapt thair. Capernaum wus bi tha Loch ïn tha dïstrict o Zebulun an Naphtali -- 14tae brïng aboot whut wus foretoul bi tha proaphit Isaiah:
15“In tha lan o Zebulun an tha lan o Naphtali,
on tha wye tae tha Loch, on tha ither side o tha Joardan,
ïn Galilee whar tha Gentiles leeve -
16tha fowk that sut ïn tha dairk
hae saa a bricht licht;
an on tha yins leevin ïn tha lan o tha shedda o deith,
tha licht haes cum ïn.”
17Frae then on Jesus begun tae praich, “Turn awa frae yer sïns, fer tha Kïngdom o Heiven haes cum nearhan ye.”
Jesus' furst follaers
18Yin day, whan Jesus wus waakin alang tha loch shore o Galilee, he saa twa brithers, Simon caad Petèr an hïs brither Andra. The' wur castin a neyt ïntae tha wattèr, fer the' wrocht at tha fïshin. 19“Cum an follae me,” Jesus saed, “an A wull mak ye fïshers o men.” 20An richt awa the' layed doon thair neyts an the' follaed eftèr hïm. 21He gan on frae thair, an saen twa ither brithers, Jeames tha sinn o Zebedee an hïs brither Jhone. The' wur ïn a bóat wi thair faither Zebedee, mennin thair neyts. Jesus caad thaim, 22an richt awa the' left tha bóat an thair faither, an the' follaed hïm.
Jesus maks aa kines o seeck fowk bettèr
23Jesus trevelt aa roon Galilee, taichin ïn thair Meetin Hooses, an praichin tha Guid Wittins o tha Kïngdom, an curin iverie disaise an ailment amang tha fowk. 24Wurd aboot hïm spreed aa ower Syria, an the' brocht tae hïm aa tha seeck fowk wi aa kines o disaises: thaim that wus tormentit, or bothert wi ïll spïrits, or tuk fïts, or fowk that wus paralysed, an he made thaim bettèr. 25Bïg croods follaed hïm frae Galilee, an tha Ten Toons, an Jerusalem, an Judea an tha dïstrict on tha ither side o tha rïver Joardan.

Nu markerat:

Mattha 4: USNT





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