THEPRINCIPLES® for BusinessUzorak
6. Work & Rest
In Brief
Rest allows us to remember and enjoy what we have accomplished.Quote
Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God.Business
Why rest from work?Blue laws recognize a day of rest from work.
Rest one day a week.Sveto Pismo
O ovom planu
THEPRINCIPLES for Business (formerly Good Business Daily) includes 31 Principles for Work, Leadership and Business. Read one principle each day or reference the principles when your company or organization faces business challenges. THEPRINCIPLES were recorded by authors skilled in business and amassed great wealth. Moses learned mathematics from the Prince School of Egypt. Solomon traded internationally and built cities. Matthew, who recorded Jesus’ Gospel, was a tax collector. THEPRINCIPLES change the way we work and improve our culture. THEPRINCIPLES increase productivity, corporate profits, and are socially responsible. Following THEPRINCIPLES will prove to bring great reward to your business, organization, and your life’s work!