5 Qualities of a Woman of Destiny: Prepare to Step Into Your Moment! A 6 - Day Plan by Tarsha L. CampbellUzorak
Quality #2
Now on to the second quality of a Woman of Destiny. Let’s go back to our study passage in Luke 1, beginning in verses 31-38.
Within these verses we will find the second quality of a Woman of Destiny:
She beholds the gifts within herself and walks in agreement with God’s plan.
In these verses, the angel of the Lord reveals to Mary God’s wonderful purpose for her existence. As the Word came to her, she probably looked around the room and said, “Are you talking to me?” This is so typical of all of us. God has a way of shocking our world when He reveals such a grandiose plan for our lives.
In verse 34, Mary begins to question God: “How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?” From this verse, we can see how Mary begins to evaluate her situation, as she says, “Okay, I hear you, but have you forgotten that I do have some limitations?”
So often, we respond just like Mary did when God declares His destiny to us: “How can this be?” “I haven’t been to college.” “I don’t have the money.” “I’m not the right color.” “I’m too fat.” “I’m too skinny.” “I have too many kids.” And the list goes on and on.
Too often the enemy uses your mind to derail the plan of God for your life. But you must understand that the mind is a battlefield, and as a Woman of Destiny, you must be aware of the tactics of the enemy. And the enemy isn’t
always the devil. Sometimes the negative thoughts you have about yourself hinder you from reaching your full potential. Paraphrasing Proverbs 23:7: For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
In Luke 1:34-38, Mary switches gears from, “How shall this be, seeing...” (fleshly mind), to “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word” (spiritual mind). When she bridged this transition, Mary exhibited the second quality of a Woman of Destiny. She didn’t settle for walking according to the flesh or according to her natural circumstances. Verse 35 indicates that
she was willing to step into the supernatural by allowing the Word of the Lord to be deposited inside her womb or spirit.
Mary was able to place value on the seed, or the Word, that came to her. She didn’t discard or abort the Word because of unbelief or negative speaking. Instead, Mary was taken to another level — or, dare I say, “realm” — because of her faith. When the true revelation came to her, and she realized in verse 37: “With God, nothing shall be impossible,” her faith soared! This point must be embraced in your walk as a Woman of Destiny: true revelation brings elevation.
Meditation For Activation
Dear sister, take some time to meditate upon the questions below, responding quietly within yourself or in a journal.
Make a list of the gifts God has placed in you. What can you do to develop them?
How has the enemy used your mind to derail the plan of God for your life?
What do you think would have happened if Mary didn’t behold the gift within her and walk in agreement with it?
What do you think will happen to you if you fail to behold the gifts within you and walk in agreement with them?
O ovom planu
Woman of Destiny, arise! Your time has come! Destiny is calling you, but do you know what it takes to step into your moment? This plan is designed to help you tap into hidden qualities yet to be revealed through you, drawing inspiration from the remarkable life of one of the Bible's most legendary, purpose-bearing, and destiny-fulfilling women.