Living in Increase (Part 6) - Increase in LeadershipUzorak

Receiving God's Discipline
“The path to public success is always paved with private discipline.” – Craig Groeschel
Yesterday, we discussed the importance of receiving God’s discipline. Paul reminds us in his second letter to Timothy that the Bible is God-breathed and a source of teaching, correction, and training. So, how do we receive His discipline?
We must remember that, in addition to hope and promises, the Bible contains valuable lessons and even corrections intended to complete us. We can receive God’s discipline by spending time in the Word, having mentors who have studied the Word, and being in a godly community.
If you aren’t sure where to start, I would encourage you to start with the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). Jesus is the ultimate model of leadership. If you aren’t sure how you are called to act, look to Him and His life on Earth. He knew what being in a fleshly body was like, but He lived above reproach and sin. He knows what it is like to be in our shoes. He does not call us to be perfect, but we are to continue our daily aim to be more like Him. You may also enjoy reading lessons in the Psalms or Paul’s letters. Still, I encourage you to explore the whole Bible eventually.
John Maxwell’s book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership discusses several laws that apply to this desire for growth. The first is the Law of the Lid. Our leadership capacity and our team are only as strong as our current level. If we reach that level, we limit our ability to grow. Therefore, we must be open to discipline and continue to learn and grow.
Carley Sheppard
Action Step: Write down how God’s discipline can strengthen you as a leader.
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Are you ready to increase your leadership and influence? Join us for this 35-day study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” plan to experience the fulfilled and abundant life God always intended for you.