Living in Increase (Part 6) - Increase in LeadershipUzorak

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
“Confidence is a result of doing something.” – John Maxwell
John Maxwell’s first step to gaining confidence is taking action. He talks about his experience as a 27-year-old in a room full of leaders over 40. He explains how he missed the opportunity to ask them questions because he lacked confidence. On the contrary, we see how David took action against Goliath in the Bible. He stepped out of his comfort zone. Sometimes, we have to take courage before we even have confidence. We have to trust in God and take action.
David wasn’t the strongest or the oldest. He didn’t have the training that the others had. From a worldly viewpoint, he didn’t stand a chance against a giant like Goliath. Goliath was even offended that they would send someone like David out to fight him!
David had no armor to protect him or even a sword. He brought a rock to a sword fight. He was just a young shepherd boy, but he had God on his side. He wasn’t confident because of anything that he had done. He was confident because he knew that God was on his side.
Ultimately, this unlikely boy took down a giant with a sling and a stone. This victory is what we are capable of when God is on our side! Therefore, we must have confidence that we can do anything through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). Truly, anyone can be a leader if they have God on their side and take a step of faith!
Carley Sheppard
Action Step: Say This Prayer: “Father God, I come to the battlefield, but YOU fight for me and win the battle. I thank You for being strong when I am weak. Help give me the strength to defeat the Goliaths in my life. Help me remember that I am more than a conqueror and can do anything with You on my side!”
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Are you ready to increase your leadership and influence? Join us for this 35-day study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” plan to experience the fulfilled and abundant life God always intended for you.