Living in Increase (Part 7) - Increase in PrayerUzorak

Never Stop
First Thessalonians 5:17 is short and sweet!
“Ceasing” means to stop. Therefore, this verse says, “Pray without stopping.” To pray without stopping means to pray constantly. When you put it that way, it sounds demanding, right? However, it’s not. It’s the key to the Kingdom.
When we practice constantly being in the Presence of God, it becomes like breathing. He is listening for your voice to seek Him, to share with Him. It’s only through prayer that we will learn what He is like. Christians will describe His Voice as “Still and Small,” and it certainly can be and often is. However, the more time you spend talking to God, the more you will recognize His Promptings, Correction, Direction, and Protection. If you want all God has for you, you must pray constantly.
Cathy Anderson
Action Step: Put up sticky notes or set reminders on your phone throughout the day to remind you to pray.
Sveto Pismo
O ovom planu

Are you ready to see increase in your prayer life? Join us for this 28-day Study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” Plan to experience the Fulfilled and Abundant Life God always intended for you.