Living in Increase (Part 7) - Increase in PrayerUzorak

Prayer Draws Us Near to God
James 4 promises that when we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. People often say, “God left me!” or “I just don’t know where God is!” My previous pastor loved to answer this question with, “God is right where you left Him.”
When we feel distant from God, it’s not because He moved. It’s because we moved. We didn’t “come close.” We didn’t “wash our hands” or “purify our hearts.” God is always with us, so if someone stepped away, it had to be us! However, when we pray, we step closer to God and know He will come close to us!
If you feel distant from God today, take some time to pray. Welcome Him back into your life–you’ll find He never went anywhere in the first place.
Cathy Anderson
Action Step: Take time to “draw close” to God through Prayer, reading your Bible, and worship today.
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Are you ready to see increase in your prayer life? Join us for this 28-day Study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” Plan to experience the Fulfilled and Abundant Life God always intended for you.