The Bible OverBrew - Bible in a YearUzorak

Week 4. Day 1. Exodus 19-20.
Introduction to Exodus 19-40
Dramatic and important as they are, the Exodus events are not the high point of the book of Exodus. Remember the great promise of Exodus:
‘I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God (Ex 6:7 NIV)
Rescuing the people is not the end of the story, the goal of the Exodus is relationship!
Chapters 19-24 are at mount Sinai are where God makes his covenant with the people, to constitute them as his people. The description of the tabernacle points to the great promise of Exodus that God will dwell among his people (25:8)
Exodus 19-20 The 10 commandments
Ch 19 Read slowly, and try to picture the scene. How does this set the scene for the lawgiving in ch20ff?
19:4-6 are an important framing for the laws that follow:
What history is first recounted?
What future is in view? i.e. the purpose for which God saved his people?
Now compare this with 1 Peter 2:9-10.
19v5 ‘if you obey me fully…’ Although some people see this as demanding 100% perfection, I’m more persuaded that this refers to an orientation of life: following God’s commands, and finding forgiveness through the sacrificial system when they sin. Even though the language at Sinai is that of law-keeping, I’m still persuaded that the key thing God wants from his people is faith.
Ch 20 The 10 commandments (lit: the 10 ‘words’) – i.e. the absolute commands. Before you read, see how many of the 10 commandments you can list, in order.
Do you find it surprising what comes immediately before the 10 commandments? (20:2)
Why do you think this is significant?
How does each of the commandments reflect something of the character of God?
NOTE: Days 1-5 of each week contain the scripture reading for that week. Day 6 has just the 'key chapters'. If you want a briefer version of this plan that still takes you through the whole Bible, you could just read the key chapters featured on day 6. Day 7 has the podcast video where we discuss the week's reading.
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The Bible OverBrew is a friendly virtual book group, helping you read the Bible in big chunks, preferably with a mug of tea! Maybe you've tried to read through the Bible before, but gave up when it felt confusing or too intense? We are here to help you! We provide notes and questions to guide your reading, and note ‘key chapters’ if you don’t have time to read it all. In our podcast at the end of each week we draw out the key themes, and how it all points to Christ. We’d love you to join us!