God With UsUzorak

Practicing the “With-ness” of Sharing
Some of my most memorable Christmas seasons have not been due to the gifts I received, the gatherings I attended, or the activities I participated in. They came through serving at community Christmas dinners, caroling for shut-ins and seniors, and sharing the story of God in word and deed.
Upon finding the newborn King and Mary and Joseph, the shepherds set out to tell everyone they encountered the good news of great joy. Darrell Bock explains, “They respond with obedience and cannot contain themselves from testifying to what God has done in making Jesus’ presence evident to them.”[1] Their experience of God’s presence with them propels them on a mission to share it with everyone. And this response is recorded: “…and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them” (Luke 2:18). The word “amazed” seems to be Luke’s favorite term, being found thirteen times in this book and five times in Acts, the second book he authored.
There’s something reciprocal about sharing Jesus’s love and serving the needs of others that can make the presence of Immanuel real to us and amazing for those around us.
While in Bible college, training for ministry, we were required to complete “field education” credits in practical areas of ministry. There were the standard opportunities in music ministry and children’s ministry, but I had the crazy notion to take on a challenge before I graduated.
I chose the hardest thing on the list for me: door-to-door evangelism.
On those cold Ontario winter nights, our small team of inexperienced and timid students knocked on doors, hoping to share Jesus. I was no Billy Graham-level evangelist, but something profound happened in me. Every time I shared my faith, I became increasingly aware and amazed that God was with me, giving me faith and confidence to be His ambassador.
Maybe a solution to any distance we may feel from God directly relates to how much we share and serve.
This Christmas season, find somewhere to give, serve, and share with someone in need. Find a church outreach or community program and volunteer. I have a feeling that as you share His “with-ness,” you will experience the same as I did.
Prayer: Lord, help me be like the shepherds who experienced Your presence and shared the good news. As I serve, may Your presence be known so that all will be amazed at who You are. Amen.
Reflection: Serving and sharing will require the sacrifice of time and commitment. Who do you know that needs to know the saving grace of God? What opportunities are in front of you where you might serve in Jesus’ name? Find one this Christmas season and go serve.
[1] Darrell L. Bock. Luke: The NIV Application Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1996), p. 85.
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In Jesus, God came down to be "with us," which we celebrate every Christmas. This week, we will examine Luke’s Gospel, which provides a detailed account of the Incarnation. Through this lens, we’ll identify some insights and simple practices that can help us experience the presence of Immanuel this Christmas! Written by Dean Brenton of Impactus