A Return HomeUzorak

Around A.D. 400, Saint Augustine wrote in Confessions, “God has made us for Himself, and our hearts are restless until we find our rest in God.”
Reflecting on the prodigal son: When did he find true rest? Was it before leaving home, after leaving home, or upon returning home? What does the quest for satisfaction look like in your life? Is there a moment of coming to your senses that feels like slow motion—a silent awareness that God might be present? Is there peace and relief after this realization?
The Bible contains stories, songs, prayers, letters of encouragement and correction, parables, and pithy sayings, all of which illustrate that we were made for God. However, the world is broken, and our relationships with God, others, and creation have been ruptured. The Bible explains our experiences and points us toward God in Christ.
King David, who loved God yet made many mistakes, wrote a song that captures the reality of our dependence on the Creator for lasting peace. David’s experience in this psalm helps us understand Jesus, who alone lived with complete trust and confidence in His Heavenly Father.
Psalm 62 is a song of confidence in the Creator, inviting others to trust in God alone, who brings rest to our souls amid a confusing existence. Do you have friends who have lost their way? Or friends like the psalmist, who encourage you to turn toward God rather than away? Have you ever sat in silent prayer, waiting for God to give you rest?
As you read this psalm, ask God to speak to you personally, providing hope and trust in Him for salvation and clarity on the path home.
Psalm 62
When do you pause and reflect? Who or what nourishes your soul? It’s sobering to realize that silent moments can reveal where we place our trust—our ultimate hope. Especially in times of frustration, trial, or trouble, we all seek help from somewhere.
Where do you turn?
Are you turning to the God who created you, the God you’ve read about in the prodigal son and in these psalms? You, too, can find rest in Him. Call out to the God who made you and ask Him to help you return home in trusting acceptance of His unfailing love and salvation.
Looking ahead: On Day 5, we’ll explore how God reaches out to wanderers, providing hope, eternal life, forgiveness, and restoration of relationships.
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O ovom planu

Where does your story begin, and where is it leading you? Have you been searching for clues to solve a puzzle that seems to change? Are you looking for answers? Over the next five days, consider the Creator and Author of your story. Reflect on the forgiveness and restoration He offers, as well as the guidance He provides, while contemplating the prodigal son’s story from Luke 15.