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Embracing Freedom Unlocks Your IdentityUzorak

Embracing Freedom Unlocks Your Identity

DAN 5 OD 7

Day 5: “Freedom brings opportunities”

In Matthew 1, you might see a list of names to skim over, but every name listed is a person who is valuable, and they have a story. Consider that these individuals are Jesus’ family tree. There are liars, cheaters, adulterers, murderers, backsliders, faithful leaders, giants of the faith, and people who left it all to follow God. Jesus’ family tree is made up of individuals who all mattered and had something to offer regardless of their story.

In a region that Destiny Rescue works in, our undercover team was gathering information about an establishment that was exploiting kids. One of the agents asked the manager the cost of a child. The price of the child was less than the cost of a beer that was being sold in the lobby. This heartbreaking situation demonstrates the lack of value that is sometimes placed on people.

Take Joseph, for example (the brother of Judah listed in Matthew 1:2). Sold into slavery by his brothers who were jealous of his dreams and devalued him; he was probably the first recorded victim of human trafficking in the Bible. It doesn’t stop there for Joseph though. Potiphar’s wife attempts to exploit him, and he is then imprisoned, falsely accused. Eventually, he has the opportunity to use his gifts and talents, bringing freedom to his family and the entire region. In Genesis 50:20, he said that what was meant for harm, God intended for good, and it saved many lives.

What is God's purpose for you now that you are in a place of freedom? Joseph moved past his pain and heartache and lived into his purpose. Here are examples of others in the Bible who used what they had in order to live into their purpose:

  • A widow and her offering (Mark 12:41-44)
  • A boy and his lunch (John 6)
  • A mother giving oil to Elijah (I Kings 17)
  • Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego used boldness (Daniel 3, 6)
  • Joseph of Arimathea and a tomb for Jesus (John 19)
  • Good Samaritan cared for a hurt man (Luke 10)

Each of these individuals moved past the limitations imposed by age, situations, culture, appearance, race, and others' prejudices to offer what they had, and the Lord used it in every situation.

What do you have to offer and will you allow God to use it?

After rescue, Lydia sat down to tell her story. Her first words were, “It is a wonderful day. We have to thank God for the gift of life…” No one would have blamed her if she had chosen different words. Lydia’s story is one of tremendous pain, yet she didn’t let any of that define her. She summed up her story by saying, “I see it was God’s plan…many people see it as bad, but I see it as God’s plan so I could be helped.” Since being rescued, Lydia has a dream to be a judge so that she can use her talents and gifts to help others in similar situations as she found herself.



You know the barriers that I have had to overcome in order to experience joy-filled freedom. Help me to lean into the opportunities now in front of me on this side of rescue and freedom. Remind me that You see me and help me to live into my identity. I give You my story, all of the good and the bad. Please use it like You did Joseph’s, and may people find You as I share it.

In Christ’s name, Amen.

Dan 4Dan 6

O ovom planu

Embracing Freedom Unlocks Your Identity

How does embracing freedom unlock your identity? What freedom is available to you through Christ and how does it affect your life and the lives of those around you? During this 7-day Bible Plan, you will have the opportunity to lean into who God has called you to be as you experience His plan of freedom for your life.
