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Kenneth Copeland Ministries: From Faith to Faith

DAN 56 OD 366

The Choice Is Yours

by Kenneth Copeland

“Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” Joshua 24:15

Choosing to side with God’s Word is a continual challenge. It’s not something you do just once. It’s a process of choosing to believe and act upon the Word of God over and over in every circumstance.

That’s what everyone has to do. Years ago I decided I was going to choose Jesus. Since then I’ve had to choose Him again and again in situations every day. I’ve chosen Him as my Lord and Savior. I’ve chosen Him as my healer. I’ve chosen Him as my financier. I’ve chosen Him as head of my household. I’ve chosen Him as head of this ministry. And I still have to choose Him moment by moment.

Sometimes that choice gets tough, but God has promised it will never get too tough. In 1 Corinthians 10:13, He says, “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able.” What the Lord is saying is that He will not allow you to be subjected to a temptation you’re unable to overcome. With every temptation, He’ll make a way of escape. He’ll always make sure you have a choice.

The devil doesn’t come tempt you while God is off somewhere else, unaware of what is happening to you. The Spirit of God is constantly there with you, providing you with the way to overcome. In other words, God matches even the toughest temptations with the weapons and power you need to conquer them. He always makes it possible for you to choose life.

So, choose to walk in love. Choose to walk by faith. Choose to live by the Word. Jesus is the Way! Choose Him!

Need prayer? Call 817-852-6000. We’re here for you, 24/7!

Also, visit to download free audio teachings from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

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Kenneth Copeland Ministries: From Faith to Faith

Written by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, From Faith to Faith daily devotional deals with real living. From their own experience, the Copelands know the fight of faith isn’t won overnight. It’s won little by little in the practical territory of everyday life. From Faith to Faith talks about the struggles you face every day...struggles with weariness, irritation, children, finances, even overeating.
