The Jesus Mark Wants You to Know - 28 Days to Become More Intimate With JesusUzorak

Day 24 - Mark 14:1-9
Love for Jesus
How can I lavishly love on Jesus?
A few days before Jesus goes to trial and crucifixion, while at dinner at a friend's house, a woman comes in and pours expensive perfume over Jesus' head.
Note the contrast. He's having dinner at Simon's home. Simon was formerly a leper, rejected by everyone. But in comes a beautiful, wealthy woman who likely had status and needed nothing. Yet both of them are transformed by their love for Jesus.
But the other dinner guests are so focused on their perception of what a disciple of the Messiah should be, that they object to the “wastefulness” of something that could have been cashed in on to help the poor.
We can become so easily blinded by our beliefs and motives in serving the Lord, that we miss the central focus of our attention … Jesus, the God-man, Savior and Lord over all!
What can you do today to keep the main thing the main thing and lavishly love on Jesus?
Sveto Pismo
O ovom planu

This devotional takes you through each chapter of the gospel of Mark in 28 days. You’ll see Jesus in a way that challenges and inspires you to want to be closer to Him. Each chapter has a commentary that is relatable and applicable. It includes simple questions for each day’s reading to help you evaluate where you’re at and how you can grow deeper in your love for Jesus.