The Jesus Mark Wants You to Know - 28 Days to Become More Intimate With JesusUzorak

Day 2 - Mark 1:2-8
Are You Worthy?
I wonder if when Mark wrote about John the Baptist, if he wasn’t a bit envious of John. Not so much over his role but rather his attitude.
He first establishes his credentials from the prophet Isaiah. John was indeed the messenger sent by God to prepare the way for the Lord’s coming. But then Mark reveals John’s true character.
In verse 7 he quotes John as saying, “Someone is coming soon who is greater than I am. So much greater that I'm not even worthy to stoop down like a slave and untie the straps of his sandals.”
When Mark wrote this, did he feel convicted of how unworthy he was to proclaim this gospel about the Messiah Jesus? Was he impacted by what he learned from John about being an unworthy servant? By the time he wrote this gospel, he was fully convinced and humbled that Jesus the Christ is his Savior and Lord.
And Mark likely had to struggle with the same things you and I struggle with. Are we worthy when it comes to serving the Lord? The simple answer is no. How could we be? Jesus Christ is Himself God Almighty worthy alone of all praise and glory.
But for those who know they are not worthy, they can be confident that the Lord Jesus can trust them to keep things in perspective. He knows their level of humility. He knows their depth of love and gratitude for what He has done in their lives. And He knows that they will give Him all the credit and all the glory and not dare take any for themselves.
Do you feel unworthy when it comes to serving the Lord and sharing His message? Do you have the genuine humility to keep things in perspective?
Do you make every effort to give the Lord Jesus all the glory for all the good in your life?
Sveto Pismo
O ovom planu

This devotional takes you through each chapter of the gospel of Mark in 28 days. You’ll see Jesus in a way that challenges and inspires you to want to be closer to Him. Each chapter has a commentary that is relatable and applicable. It includes simple questions for each day’s reading to help you evaluate where you’re at and how you can grow deeper in your love for Jesus.