The Jesus Mark Wants You to Know - 28 Days to Become More Intimate With JesusUzorak

Day 16 - Mark 9:33-50
Sin’s Consequence
It seems to be pretty much a lifelong challenge to conquer our self-centeredness.
The Apostles of Jesus were even jockeying to be in first place among His followers. They would push anyone out of their way whom they thought would get between them and the favor of Jesus. Whether it was children or someone “outside their group” who were doing good, they acted like they were entitled to hold a higher, more important and more recognizable position.
Jesus sternly warned that there would be severe punishment for anyone who caused others to fall into sin. For effect, Jesus said there would be a millstone, (a ton of concrete) tied around their neck and they would be drowned in the sea. Or if you don’t cut out that which causes you to sin, you will be consumed by the unquenchable fires of hell.
Instead, Jesus said to be “salt”, which draws out the best flavor of that which is salted, and you will experience peace in the process.
Are you in any way preventing others from coming to Jesus because of your lifestyle or beliefs or attitudes? Have you identified the things in your life that need to be cut off? Will you make a commitment today to start the process so you can be salt for others?
Sveto Pismo
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This devotional takes you through each chapter of the gospel of Mark in 28 days. You’ll see Jesus in a way that challenges and inspires you to want to be closer to Him. Each chapter has a commentary that is relatable and applicable. It includes simple questions for each day’s reading to help you evaluate where you’re at and how you can grow deeper in your love for Jesus.