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Festival in the Desert: 7 Days of Hope in the Hard TimesУзорак

Festival in the Desert: 7 Days of Hope in the Hard Times

DAY 3 OF 7

Joy on Purpose

The phone call ended with a deep sigh and, if I’m being honest, some tears. For the first time, I was being let go from my job. This wasn’t the type of conversation I wanted, obviously, but it was the one that needed to be had. It’s funny that I felt sad, relieved, worried, scared, excited, and hopeful all at the same time. I know that’s a lot of emotion!

While it was something that I felt the Lord was going to do eventually by calling me out of my job, I didn’t think it would happen so quickly or not on my terms. Hence, the fear and even the sense of rejection that came with the “click” as my boss hung up. I found myself, for a moment, in a panic. I had just moved to a new city, was only on a sublease for a few months, and would need the income to find a new place to move again soon, and no idea what kind of job to start looking for. I was in the middle of a transition with yet another curveball coming my way.

Now, after years of these types of shifts happening in my life, I knew that it would require trust in God to provide. I could’ve shut down and let myself wallow into a pint of butter pecan ice cream while binging Netflix for the next couple of days. Still, within the hour, I found myself walking through my new neighborhood, thanking God in advance for coming through and looking for opportunities to dream of the possibilities. I have walked through enough storms to learn that it always works out. Maybe not in the exact time frame I would like or feel most comfortable with, but always at the perfect time.

I called up some friends who prayed with me, offered reinforcement of faith, and encouraged me to choose joy despite my current circumstances. I remembered that God is not caught off guard or surprised when life hits us smack in the forehead. He doesn’t panic or start figuring out how to ration out His blessings to His children because of a poverty mindset. We tend to be the only ones who do that.

Our God can meet all our needs and then some, and if I can anchor myself in that truth no matter what comes my way, it makes me less shakable. When I brought Him my panic and fear that evening, He provided peace and reminded me of all the times He came through in the past.

A few nights later, I had a dream where my boss came to me and apologized for letting me go. He said he wanted to keep me and potentially find a new role in his company or at least help me find something full-time. It was so vivid and clear that I woke up thinking I was sitting with my boss in real life. I held on to it and surrendered to the Lord, asking His Will to be done.

Over the next couple of weeks, every job I applied for came to nothing. Just as discouragement was about to set in, during one of my last team meetings, my boss asked me to stay on the Zoom call after everyone else hopped off. As soon as he began to speak, the Lord reminded me of my dream. Every detail of the dream, right down to the words and the exact outfit my boss was wearing, matched what God had already shown me weeks prior in my sleep.

I laughed in front of my boss, sitting in awe of God. It was apparent that God had been speaking to him as well, and before I knew it, I was being referred to a big client my boss had just signed a deal with to work for them. God did a miracle, and He was gracious enough to give me insight into what He would do.

Watching God move on my behalf reassured me yet again that in every trial, I always find myself gently held in the Arms of my God, who can save me. That in and of itself is worth having joy over. If you find yourself on the other end of some difficult news, facing a hardship, or maybe a little shaken, know that God can give you the Grace and Peace to keep going and see you through it.

May this truth spark the joy that will offer you the strength to persevere. Ask Him for clarity. Ask Him to direct your steps and give you peace as you lean into His Power. Thank Him in advance, and refuse to give up your joy. Maybe, like me, He will give you a dream to cling to in faith or a word from a friend. No matter what, we can trust Him to make a way.

Power Verse: Habakkuk 3:17-18

"Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation."

Power Thought: Joy isn't dependent on circumstances; it's rooted in our relationship with God.

Reasons to Rejoice: Even in the midst of hardship, we can find joy in God's Presence and Salvation.

Prayer Prompt: "Dear God, teach me to find joy in You even when life seems barren. Teach me to press into Your Peace when life seems confusing or my situation is creating anxiety. May my joy be rooted in the assurance of Your Salvation, knowing and believing that you have me."

Opportunity for Reflection: How can you cultivate joy in your life that transcends difficult situations purposely?

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Festival in the Desert: 7 Days of Hope in the Hard Times

Life is often filled with trial, heartache, grief, and struggle. But perhaps there's a treasure to be found in those difficult seasons: intimacy with God Himself. Through our deepest pains, we can discover the Heart of the Father and the hope we have in Christ as our ultimate “Way Maker”. This Plan will remind you of His Faithfulness, comfort you with His Love, and renew you with His Presence.
