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The Power of the Blessing: 5 Days to Improve Your RelationshipsУзорак

The Power of the Blessing: 5 Days to Improve Your Relationships

DAY 5 OF 5

Your Blessing

Putting your Blessing in writing first can release a lot of pressure. It gives you the opportunity to put the words together at your leisure. You can double-check that you have included all the elements of the Blessing and that your words convey exactly what you want. And if your words have been chosen ahead of time when you do speak your blessing, you can concentrate on connecting with your child, giving them those “bright eyes.”

Another reason to write out your blessing, though, is that a written blessing can be saved. It’s your handwriting. And no matter how terrible or elegant it is, it’s something from you and unique. Also, written words can be read and reread, and the paper it is written on can be tucked away as a keepsake. Yes, a typed and emailed blessing can be stored and reread. But handwritten blessings can be sent by letter or attached to an email and thus cover great distances. A written blessing has the capacity to bring warmth and light and love to your child again and again throughout their lives—far beyond the mere ink marks on paper.

There is no wrong way to craft a blessing, and there are lots of creative right ways. And whether it comes out all at once in a rush of words or takes you a few tries and several evenings to outline and polish what you want to say, your child will cherish both what you write and what it represents about your relationship.

Don’t wait! Don’t leave your blessing to chance! Make an intentional plan to give your son, your daughter—everyone you care about—your blessing. Write it down. Speak the words. Make a video. Make a memory now and give it as a keepsake for tomorrow.

Is it ever too early to start blessing? No! Just as babies can hear their parents’ voices when they are still in the womb, these little ones can see, hear, and comprehend even more than we’ve previously given them credit for.

Give your blessing to your kids or grandkids.

Kids grow up in a flash. But even so, our time as grandparents is ticking on an even faster clock.

Sometimes it’s much easier to bless our grandkids than it is to bless our own kids. This is especially true in relationships with our adult kids where there may be layers of hurt or emotional distance.

However, by forgetting to bless our own children, we can inadvertently cause pain in that relationship and drive a wedge between us and them. Or we create a much bigger wedge—or, in some cases, a Grand Canyon–size hole.

So no matter how much fun you are having with your grandkids, don’t forget their parents! No matter what age or stage of life, we all need to know that we have the Blessing. Especially from our parents.

Blessing your spouse is just as important as blessing your kids.

It’s hugely important for your kids to see. What we model matters. Modeling the Blessing in your marriage is a great way not only to help your kids feel happier and more secure in your home but also to set them up for success in their future relationships.


  • Who in your circle of family and friends needs a blessing spoken over them by you?
  • How can you bless them today?


Heavenly Father, thank You for the people You have placed in my life. May I bless them well.

Was this plan helpful? We adapted this plan from The Power of the Blessing: 5 Keys to Improving Your Relationships by John Trent, Gary Smalley, and Kari Trent Stageberg. Check it out for more.


Day 4

About this Plan

The Power of the Blessing: 5 Days to Improve Your Relationships

These five daily readings are based on the book The Power of the Blessing: Five Keys to Improving Your Relationships. The biblical gift of "The Blessing" is key to your self-worth and emotional well-being. People of every age long for the gift of The Blessing—the unconditional love and approval that comes from healthy relationships with your family and with the world around you.
