Gotta Be Da Shoes - Where Sneaker Culture Meets FaithUzorak

Gospel Shoes
The Gospel Shoe for Sneakerheads is the almighty Air Jordan. What does gospel mean? It simply means good news. When Nike inked the deal with Michael Jordan, it was certainly good news. Many argue this birthed the entire sneaker culture movement, but it almost didn’t happen. Jordan wanted to take a deal with Adidas. But, Sonny Vacarro from Nike pursued and courted the Jordan family until they signed. Perhaps the most important part of the Air Jordan brand deal was the negotiations with Michael’s mother Deloris. She was a smart businesswoman who negotiated a first-time-ever royalty for her son for every shoe sold. Nike expected to sell 100,000 pairs that first year, but instead sold 26 million. In 2022 alone, he made $256 million in royalties, which is more than all his years in the NBA put together.
The Bible talks about Gospel Shoes that are worth more than a rare pair of Air Jordans. Activating this footwear can pay more royalties than Jordan’s shoe contract. In Ephesians 6 Paul breaks down the armor of God. Every day is a spiritual battle, and we need to equip ourselves and be ready for what could be thrown in our direction. The writer reminds us that we aren’t fighting this battle against flesh and blood, but we’re fighting this battle in the spirit realm. Anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and addiction are all things based in the spirit realm. People are experiencing those things in record numbers. In verse 13, Paul tells us, ‘Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in time of evil. Then after the battle you will be standing firm.” In this passage, Paul walks us through each piece of armor to put on. When we get to verse 15, he talks about footwear: “And as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.”
Stress is one of the most common issues people are struggling with. The peace given through the gospel can calm your anxiety more than a closet full of fresh sneakers. Martial arts teaches you that the setting of your feet is the beginning of all combat. It affects balance, grip, power, and movement. In the same way, the foundation of our spiritual shoes in our everyday Christianity is the gospel.
Shoe Game Steps:
- What is your favorite Jordan sneaker?
- How are you intentionally putting on God’s armor every day?
- Are you walking in the Gospel Shoes of Peace regularly?
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Sneakers used to just be used for sports, but now they have become one of the biggest fashion items in the world. From Jordans to Yeezys to luxury brands we see that sneaker culture is exploding. Most of us know someone who would call themselves a sneakerhead. This reading plan will challenge you to think critically about purpose, identity, materialism, and eternity.