24/7 Training TimeUzorak

Finding Your Worth In Christ
By: Shanta Crichlow
“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.The rain fell, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and pounded that house. Yet it didn’t collapse, because its foundation was on the rock.”—Matthew 7:24-25
Years after competing in track and field at the collegiate level, I found myself in a state of wondering. Life made a lot more sense while running track and going to school. The actions of training, working hard, discipline, and proper rest and care yielded the direct results of improved performance. The process of patience and waiting had obvious mile-markers in the form of competition seasons, semesters and stats.
I learned that the prizes of life are not my athletic accomplishments, my post-athletics career, or the other temporary things I greatly valued. The greatest prize is and will always be God Himself.
For the first time, I clearly saw how shortsighted and out of order my pursuits were. Now, I know that any pursuit which I choose to invite God into is a journey into relationship with Him.
Perhaps you have in mind how God could fulfill this through your coaching or playing, and your idea is likely tied to performance. But what happens when you have a tough season, when you’re not the best athlete in the league or on your team, or when your time in athletics (as with everything) comes to an end? Who are you beyond competition?
There are more ways to honor Christ with our lives. God’s purpose is lifegiving and life changing. The life God has given us in Christ can be full, abundant, and satisfying. We can use this life to elevate God simply by how we compete, live, and treat others (not just with outcomes in mind). When we work at whatever we do from the heart as unto the Lord and not people (Colossians 3:23), and when we look to the interest of others not only our own (Philippians 2:4), we play for the prize that is greater than all the trophies and titles in the world!
The greatest gift you have is God Himself, and your worth comes from who you are in Him. Rest in this performance-free relationship. He’s got you right where you’re meant to be.
- For whom or what have you been competing?
- How does knowing you are God’s beloved child change your approach to competing?
- Determine how you will give God glory in the wins and losses of your day and be prepared to live for Him.
- Exodus 9:16
- Psalm 16:5-6
- John 3:16
Father, thank You that my worth comes from You and You alone. Thank You for the work Jesus did on the cross that brings me into Your family. Help me to hold to Your truth about who You say I am. Let me live it out each day as I trust that You are growing my faith. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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We've prepared 12 devotions for you. When you commit to doing these, you will establish a powerful habit for spiritual growth. During this time, you can talk to God and let Him talk to you through the Bible and His Spirit. There are many effective methods that can be used for your daily time with God.