
How often do you feel like you just don't measure up in some way or another?
We look in the mirror and see a ton of imperfections. We see aspects of our physical appearance that cause us to feel "less than" others who seem to have it all together. Maybe our clothes aren't as nice or new. Maybe we don't have the same name brand clothes that our friends have.
Sometimes, we may find ourselves stuck in comparison cycles when it comes to performance. We try our best to learn a new instrument, an artistic skill, or we work hard to become a better athlete. We put everything we have into it, yet struggle to get ahead.
For some of us, the words that others have spoken to or about us could cause us to see ourselves differently. All of these experiences can cause us to question our value. We wonder if what we have is worth sharing with others. We wonder if we can truly make a difference in the world.
Although these struggles are real, today's Scripture reminds us that whatever we have to give is enough in God's eyes. The Bible is filled with stories of people who felt their gifts, talents, and treasures were too small. However, time after time, we see God take what they had, multiply it, and use it to make a greater impact.
All of us are valuable because we are made by God. God doesn't want us to try to be like everyone else. We can make the greatest difference when we discover what it means to be the best version of ourselves.
Sveto Pismo
O ovom planu

For the next four weeks, we’ll look at how the earliest followers of Jesus created a new kind of community as God's family. Through their example, we’ll learn that there is enough when we share what we have — and if there isn’t enough, God provides. We'll also learn that our actions can speak when words aren’t enough and that God’s love is always enough.