
What was your favorite childhood game? Tag? Duck, duck, goose? Or hide and seek?
Okay, let's be honest — most of us still love to play hide and seek. We might have changed up the rules a little bit, but we still love the thrill of hiding and waiting to be found.
When we could have made a better choice, or when we do the wrong thing, we often hide. We hide the evidence of our wrong choices. We sneak around or lie to cover up what we've done. There is something innate in us that makes us want to cover up something that we know is wrong.
Most of the time, our parents or those closest to us can tell something is wrong. We usually can't hide things from people who know us well, and we definitely can't hide things from God.
This may cause us to wonder if God loves us when we make choices that aren't honoring to God, ourselves, or others . . . but today's Scripture reminds us that in the midst of our sin, Jesus chose us. Jesus didn't wait for us to clean up our lives before he showed compassion and grace toward us. It was when we were hiding in sin and shame that Jesus extended to us the greatest gift of love.
God's love isn't based on our actions. We are loved right where we are, but God loves us enough to not leave us hidden. God finds us in the darkness and brings us out of our shame with the light of love.
Sveto Pismo
O ovom planu

For the next four weeks, we’ll look at how the earliest followers of Jesus created a new kind of community as God's family. Through their example, we’ll learn that there is enough when we share what we have — and if there isn’t enough, God provides. We'll also learn that our actions can speak when words aren’t enough and that God’s love is always enough.