
Have you ever heard about an injustice but just didn't know what to do to help? You may have wanted to spring into action but weren't sure how to get started.
I think we've all been there, and that's why we enjoy superhero movies so much. We love to watch someone see an injustice and courageously jump in to do something about it.
Have you ever seen the first Wonder Woman movie? In one of the scenes, there are people who are in an unsafe territory, being held captive in their own homes. Diana decides this reality can no longer exist. She looks at the group of men surrounding her, charges the opposition, and decides enough is enough.
How do we become people who are moved from just feeling compassion to those who act compassionately?
That's where sympathy and empathy come in. When we are sympathetic, we have pity on those who are suffering. When we are empathetic, we are able to experience and understand what others are going through. Sympathy maintains distance with those who are suffering, but empathy comes near . . . and when we're near to those who suffer, we can't help but take action.
If you aren't sure how to become actively compassionate, a great next step is to get close to those who suffer. Become friends with — and listen to — those in your school or community who are struggling. As you learn from your new friends, God will help you move from sympathy to action.
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O ovom planu

For the next four weeks, we’ll look at how the earliest followers of Jesus created a new kind of community as God's family. Through their example, we’ll learn that there is enough when we share what we have — and if there isn’t enough, God provides. We'll also learn that our actions can speak when words aren’t enough and that God’s love is always enough.