There's something really incredible about live music. From the performers to the lights and sound, the whole crew is able to use their unique gifts and talents to make something amazing. It's so powerful to see all those years of experience and practice pour into every part of the performance.
God has given each of us unique gifts and abilities. You'll read about some of these in today's reading. When we've got a rhythm to stay connected to God, we can start to understand our gifts and learn about how they can help us serve others. When we all learn to use our gifts well, it's like all of the parts of your favorite concert happening seamlessly.
So what do you think your gifts are? There are probably areas of your life that come naturally to you, like sports, games, or school. You might have a great singing voice or experience empathy towards others easily. Maybe you need to spend more time exploring your gifts and talents to see what God has given you.
No matter how you've been gifted, you can use those things to help support what God is doing in the world. Together, with other followers of Jesus, you can build up a rhythm of using your gifts to have a positive impact on your community. Whether it's your spiritual gifts, hobbies, skills, or character traits, God has given you a unique set of skills and abilities. Take time to learn what they are and how you can create rhythms to use your gifts.
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O ovom planu
For the next four weeks, we'll take some time to explore how we can build rhythms that help us connect with God in new ways. We'll discover how to build a strong rhythm that can sustain us through whatever life brings our way. We'll look at how to create rhythms that help us spend time with God, use our gifts, share our stories, and spend time with others.