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Made for This MomentУзорак

Made for This Moment

DAY 22 OF 30


Need to Fail Before You Flourish


“Many years later, when Moses had grown up, he went out to visit his own people, the Hebrews, and he saw how hard they were forced to work. During his visit, he saw an Egyptian beating one of his fellow Hebrews. After looking in all directions to make sure no one was watching, Moses killed the Egyptian and hid the body in the sand... Then, Moses was afraid, thinking, ‘Everyone knows what I did.’ And sure enough, Pharaoh heard what had happened, and he tried to kill Moses. But Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in the land of Midian” (Exodus 2:11-12, 14b-15).


Only God would choose to use a person who was afraid and a total failure to lead a multitude of people out of captivity. Moses was a Jew, part of the nation of Israel, held in bondage by Egypt as their slaves. His mom had been brilliant in floating him down the Nile in a basket to be found by Pharaoh’s daughter, who chose to raise him as her own. He never doubted his ethnicity; what he had was a wrong sense of his own power.

After killing an Egyptian, Moses fled for his life, leaving royalty to shepherd sheep and goats for forty years. When Moses was confronted by the burning bush and the presence of God, he was given the directive to lead God’s people to the land promised to them back in Genesis. Moses graciously refused. He had no confidence and too many doubts.

God convinced him to go to Pharaoh with the demand to let Israel go. Moses obeyed the Lord and saw God do incredible things, using him as His spokesperson. Moses grew in confidence as he watched God play out the ten plagues, each one more disastrous than the last.

When the million-plus people finally left Egypt, with Moses in the lead, they left behind over 400 years of bondage. God provided for His people through Moses. He was called “the friend of God” and became one of the most respected people in the whole Bible. When Pharaoh sent his army to bring back his escaped slave force, God used Moses to part the Red Sea, get all his people across safely, and ultimately defeat the Egyptian army.

Moses needed to experience failure to humble himself to be what God saw he could be. Moses hid in the desert for forty years until God said he was ready for what He needed him to do. Moses knew he needed God to make the way for him and all of Israel.

Have you ever been in a position where you doubted your abilities? Can you trust God with what may seem impossible? Do you recognize He’s the One who’s given you talents and gifts for such a time as this?


Exodus 33:12-23; Exodus 34:5-9


Father, help me recognize that You are greater than any circumstance I face. Failure isn’t fatal, so help me learn from my mistakes and be bold for You in all I do.

Day 21Day 23

About this Plan

Made for This Moment

Life is about defining moments, the moments that try to break you, and the timely moments that make you. In this devotional series, you will meet kings, prophets, dreamers, and outsiders who all encountered defining moments that changed them forever. As you walk through this series, you will be challenged, encouraged, and inspired to step into the moment that was made for you.
