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If Only You Knew: An Easter DevotionalУзорак

If Only You Knew: An Easter Devotional

DAY 6 OF 6

He is risen! Jesus—rejected, wounded, afflicted—is victorious today. All because He rose from the grave and conquered sin and death. He experienced Easter fully in order to bring us abundant life. Not only that, but we now have a High Priest who can empathize with our weakness in every way. Understanding every facet of our weakness, even as He accomplished our salvation.

Hebrews 4:14-16 reminds us:

Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

He is risen! Today and every day following the events of that first Easter weekend, we have abundant life. Abundant life through Jesus, the Risen One!

Take a moment to read Isaiah 53 again. Read it with the knowledge of all you have reflected on this Easter weekend. This time make two lists.

In the first list, write down everything Jesus dealt with for you through the events of Easter.

Your list might look something like this:

·Pain (v4)

·Suffering (v4)

·Punishment (v4)

·Transgressions (v5)

In the second list, write down everything Jesus accomplished through the events of Easter.

Your list might look something like this:

·Peace (v5)

·Healing (v5)

·God’s will (v10)

Understanding Easter in its fullness ensures that we live in the life-transforming reality of what Jesus has done for us. And it not only ensures we live the abundant life that is the gift of God, but it compels us to love like Jesus and accomplish the good He has called us to do in this world.

At the beginning of our journey, we determined to walk through the events of Easter with fresh eyes. We did this in hopes that we could foster a deeper sense of awe and gratitude for what He went through to provide our salvation. But, as we explored how Easter addresses every part of who we are, we found our hearts rekindled with a passion to share the good news. Our hearts cry has become, “If the world only knew all He has done for them!”

What then shall we do? We share the good news in every way. We reach out to the outcast and restore relationships. We meet the needs of the poor and the sick. We invite others into the security of God’s love. We preach the gospel and tell others that their sins are forgiven because of what Jesus has done.


Lord, this Easter I walked beside You as You were betrayed and rejected, broken and crucified, separated and afflicted. I sat at the table where You shared Your last supper, I stood at the foot the cross where You died and I waited beside the tomb where Your body lay. I am humbled at all the ways You suffered and endured the events of Easter. But Lord, I know that Your story does not end in a dark tomb. You rose again! Today I live in the reality that You endured all things so that I can have abundant life. Help me to share this good news with others, in every way. Amen.

Day 5

About this Plan

If Only You Knew: An Easter Devotional

Look at the events of Easter with fresh eyes and discover how Jesus experienced them in every way. Journey through the Last Supper, the events of Good Friday, the holy waiting of Saturday to Resurrection Sunday, exploring the social, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of what Jesus did for us. If only we knew just how fully He gave Himself for us...
