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How to maintain a solid marriageУзорак

How to maintain a solid marriage

DAY 2 OF 7

Living together

How can you have a solid, divorce-proof marriage?

It is becoming increasingly rare to find spouses that have been married for many years; they are viewed with great wonder and admiration. Marriage is not a light decision; it is for life. For it to be solid, spouses must eliminate any inclination toward separation or divorce. A marriage must find a solution to situations that arise. Conflicts have a remedy. “What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.” (Mark 10:9, KJV)

The redeemed do not consider divorce an option. They look for solutions, rather than who to blame. On many occasions, as a couple, we respond to situations with excuses, or one of us is full of pride. At that moment, communication ends. The fundamental element to preserve unity is dialogue– to get closer, we whisper in each other’s ears; to move away, we shout. Which is your case?

Marriage is about two people, two who walk towards the same place but perform different tasks to complement the walk. God designed, created, and established marriage as a permanent relationship to become one flesh. We see in Genesis: "And Adam said, ‘This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: this shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man.’"

If the perfect bond is broken, significant harm and damage will be done to the parties involved. It is necessary to strengthen unity in all areas that concern the relationship. For this, I must invest in myself, and the way it should be done is by putting some tips into practice.

The first thing we must take care of is health, nutrition, and exercise. They affect your personal life and what you can or cannot do. Indirectly, the neglect of your body will be reflected in your married life. Lack of care causes our physical condition to deteriorate. We do not control diseases, and there are diseases that we suffer because of our carelessness.

We must be attentive to all aspects of life because His Spirit must be in all of them.

Let us reflect

What are you waiting for to take care of your marriage? Do you take care of your diet and exercise? Do you follow a routine for your body and spirit? In the spirit, feed on the Word and meditate on it; exercise yourself in responding to every situation with wisdom. Do not give up; for those who believe, everything is possible.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

How to maintain a solid marriage

This devotional was based on “How to maintain a solid marriage,” a sermon by Pastor Gerardo Cárdenas. We will look at tips on how to maintain a strong marriage over the years. We will learn to invest in what strengthens a marriage and the daily growth of a couple. We will advance together spiritually and in our service to God. Applying the wisdom of Christ will produce constant joy.
