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The Jesus I Know 10-Day DevotionalУзорак

The Jesus I Know 10-Day Devotional

DAY 1 OF 10

The Jesus I Know: Kathie Lee Gifford

My very first encounter with Jesus was in a dream. Several years later, I met Him in a theater as I watched a movie by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. God touched my heart right where I lived and breathed. That’s how my walk with Jesus began, and He has made something beautiful out of my life just as He had promised me. The Jesus I know is a personal God who knows me intimately but loves me passionately anyway. The Jesus I know is the epitome of grace, the radical incarnation of His Father’s face and merciful eyes. The Jesus I know is the perfection of all creation. He is love. And He loves us. Period.

There are many people God has brought into my life who have profoundly personal and powerful stories to tell about Jesus. They are stories that cannot be tied up neatly with a bow because their stories aren’t finished yet. Jesus is always the same, but He doesn’t show up the same way to everyone. We are unique individuals. For me, that is the eternal beauty of how our Creator seeks us and meets us right where we live and breathe, and then we begin the journey of a lifetime. 

As I listen to my friend’s experiences with Jesus, I am continually surprised by people I had no idea believed in Jesus. For instance, years ago when I was being maliciously attacked in the media for my so-called sweatshops that did not even exist, I got a phone call at home from Kevin Costner. After saying hello, Kevin said to me, “Kathie, remember, ‘Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.’ ” I was stunned to hear him quoting 1 John 4:4. Incredulous, I asked him, “Were you raised in the church?”

He chuckled and said, “Yes, but I certainly haven’t followed everything I learned.” Then he went on to encourage me to keep holding my head up high until the storm passed. I deeply appreciated Kevin taking the time to call me and to be a blessing to me. 

I’ve had similar conversations with other friends. I believe with everything in me that the Holy Spirit is working in Kevin’s and other friends’ lives because God loves them and will never let them go. No matter how long it takes, the Holy Spirit will finish what He starts in us. I am vehemently opposed to saying anyone is too far gone for Jesus to reach them. That is the complete opposite of what Jesus did two thousand years ago and still does in the lives of billions of people all over the world.

The people in my life are in various stages of knowing and experiencing Jesus. Many are struggling to overcome weaknesses, suffering, trials, and tribulations. Yet, God continues to do a mighty work in them, just as He continues to do in me and in you. Some of their stories are exciting and some are messy, but they all show how God broke through. May you be encouraged as you consider the Jesus you know, wherever you are on your spiritual journey! And may you interact compassionately and genuinely with people you know in the various stages of their journeys with Jesus.


How would you describe your first encounter with Jesus? 

How has Jesus continued to meet you in the middle of your challenges, messes, and achievements? How have you sought Jesus out during these experiences?

How can you encourage someone in your life in their journey to know Jesus? How can you introduce them to Jesus for the first time?


Lead me, Gentle Shepherd, down these rocky paths of faith, and illuminate Your truth to me. Help me to find You in the wind of their words and in the whispers of their hearts. For if I seek You, You have promised You will be found. Amen.

Day 2

About this Plan

The Jesus I Know 10-Day Devotional

These 10 devotions are based on Kathie Lee Gifford’s book, "The Jesus I Know: Honest Conversations and Diverse Opinions About Who He Is." These devotions will explore the different ways Jesus meets people where they live and how each person’s unique journey with Jesus illustrates God’s love and grace.
