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The Miracle Called IsraelУзорак

The Miracle Called Israel

DAY 7 OF 7

God remains faithful

On the second day of the Yom Kippur War, Prime Minister Golda Meir picked up the phone and called President Richard Nixon. She said, “Mr. President, if America doesn’t help Israel in the next 48 hours, Israel will not remain standing.” Nixon paused, then said, “Golda, when I was a child, my mom used to read Bible stories to me every night. One time she got to a place where God fought for Israel and saved the nation. She paused and told me, ‘Richard, I want you to promise me that if you ever have a chance to save the Jewish people, you will do so!’ Then she moved on to read the rest of the Bible story. Golda, for the first time, I know why I became President of the United States of America.” He hung up the phone, called the Pentagon, and ordered the most significant airlift of armaments since WWII.

Some people think that Israel’s rebellious behavior has caused God to abandon them forever. Throughout the history recorded in the Bible, it is evident that Israel is not perfect. In Ezekiel 36, the Lord says, “I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for My holy name’s sake.”

The Tribulation is going to be a horrible time for Israel, but the Bible says that this is the “trouble of Jacob, and he shall be delivered from it.” (Jeremiah 30:7) There cannot be peace in the Middle East until the Prince of Peace returns. First comes the physical restoration, then the spiritual restoration. 

Israel is your insurance policy that God is faithful to His promises. God wants to get your attention. He is using His nation to tell you, “I love you in the same way that I love Israel. Now you are My people. I called you from bondage to freedom in Christ. From darkness into His marvelous light, but you cannot find that light unless you put your faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, who came to die for you on the cross. He is the King of Israel. He will come to save Israel, but He also came 2,000 years ago to save you. Receive My Son.” 

Father, we thank You for the miracle called Israel. You’ve been faithful even when they were not; You chose always to remember Your promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We pray for the salvation of Israel and the Jewish people. We know You have a plan and that in the end, all Israel will be saved. Father, we thank You that we live in the days of Ezekiel. We ask that You help us live holy lives. In the name of the Holy One of Israel, Immanuel, amen.

If you want to find out more about God’s plans for His miracle nation Israel, check out Amir Tsarfati’s book, Israel and the Church 

Day 6