Run in Such a WayUzorak
Remember the Witnesses
Today, we have so many different platforms to choose where we obtain our information. Growing up, the most common place to go was the local newspaper. I remember sitting at the kitchen table and perusing the paper for news I couldn't really understand, crossword puzzles I had difficulty completing and comic strips I didn't know existed. It was so cool to feel as if I had all this knowledge (even though it wasn't all clear ...yet).
We all have different voices we can listen to. Most of the those voices seem to come from social media outlets. They are loud, strong and in your face. Everyone's opinion is put out there for us to follow, like and/or comment on. Even if the information is not accurate or deemed 'fake news', we can pick and choose who or what we will listen to. It ultimately influences our lives in different ways.
The writer of the book of Hebrews wants to remind us here that we have a "great cloud of witnesses" that went before us. In chapter 11 of the book of Hebrews, the writer is careful to lay out what is known as, "The Hall of Faith". In it are a number of individuals that were ordinary yet experienced extraordinary lives, through faith in God's promises. These are our witnesses. They have evidence and can serve as proof of God's faithfulness to His people and His promises.
As you continue on your journey of faith with Jesus, remember that there is a cloud of witnesses that went before you and serve as a testament to God's power. You are not alone; don't give up!
Challenge: Who or what are you influenced by? Who is your cloud of witnesses? Who speaks into your life on a regular basis?
Sveto Pismo
O ovom planu
Our spiritual walk with Christ is not a sprint; it is a marathon. As we look to develop our spirit man, let us look at the example given to us in Scripture that helps us 'run in such a way' that we persevere until the end. The Lord is for us and we cannot give up!