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DAY 2 OF 3

CULTURE: Social Media

Day Two

Teenage culture is always changing. Whether it's the coolest trends, the newest update, or the best app, it never stays the same. If you ask any teenager what the best invention within the last century is, most of their responses would be, “The internet“.

Do you remember when you were not old enough to have a cell phone? When you had to knock on your friend’s door to see if they could hang out? When you needed to make plans at school because you couldn't text them? When you spent more time outside instead of a screen?

In Romans 12:2 it says “Do not conform to the patterns of this world …”. Yet we change our looks, our values, and our friends to be accepted on social media. 

Here are three different areas we are going to break down and analyze to see how we can be better followers of Jesus within our social media:

Who Are You Following?

This is a question we all should be asking ourselves. Do we follow people or accounts that make us stumble, or do we follow people that help us remind us to follow Jesus? Are you able to confidently share your “explore” or “recommended“ page? We call social media celebrities “influencers”, but our main influencer should be Jesus.

We have control over what we choose or choose not to follow. We have a choice to choose sin, or success. As cliche’ as it sounds, Jesus should be who we follow. In John 8:12, Jesus says to follow Him and He will lead us away from darkness and give us the light of life. Do you need to change who you follow to better follow Jesus?

What Are You Posting?

2 Corinthians 5:20 talks about ourselves being an extension of Christ. When you were first introduced to church or youth group and you met your leaders or pastors, they became your example of what a follower of Christ is supposed to be like. The moment you declare yourself a follower, you become that same example to your friends and family who don’t know Him. Our example is more than how we act at church. It extends to every moment of every day, including our social media.

Our posts are representative of us. When you gain a new follower, most of the time you look at their feed to see who they are. What does your feed say about you? 

Do your followers on Instagram know you love Jesus? As a follower of Jesus, you have influence. Guard it. Don’t throw away that influence for a temporary “like”. What you post could be an opportunity for someone to know Christ. You can use that influence to impact someone’s life.

Why Are You On Social Media?

There are so many benefits to social media: saving memories, keeping in touch with friends, or learning new skills. On the flip side, there's a lot of junk, too. Society tells us that in order to be cool or popular we need to be in on the latest trends. Whether that's owning the newest clothes or having the coolest apps, all of it is temporary. Name one fad that has lasted more than 6 months. Go ahead.

We build ourselves and our identities based on these temporary fads. We look for approval and affirmation in them but we are left drained and emptied. There is only one thing that is going to satisfy and fill the void—it’s God. Are you tired of trying to earn the approval of people? Our foundation should be Christ, and Christ alone. Social media creates comparison, God reminds you of who you are in him. Having social media is not bad or a sin but is it the loudest voice in your head? Or is God the one who guides you?

What needs to change? What needs adjustment? How can you use your influence? How can you redefine culture?

Day 1Day 3