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Share Light: In the Darkness a Light ShinesУзорак

Share Light: In the Darkness a Light Shines

DAY 8 OF 8

SHARE LIGHT: Jesus Reveals Himself to Us

Day Eight

Jesus Is the Real Vine

Scripture Reading: Psalm 80:8-19; John 20:30-31

Today’s Focus: John 15:1

“I am the real vine, and my Father is the gardener.”

In both the Old and New Testaments, we find many references to vineyards and to the wine that was produced from the fruit of the vine. In Psalm 80, God through the psalmist uses the images of the vineyard and the grape to describe how Israel left Egypt and was planted in the Promised Land, and how the people spread out from there.

God always intended that his people be a witness of his love and mercy to the world—but too often Israel lost sight of that vision; too often they disconnected themselves from God, the source of their life and purpose. Listen to the supplication of the psalmist as he laments this disconnect:

Turn to us, Almighty God!
Look down from heaven at us;
come and save your people!
Come and save this grapevine that you planted,
this young vine you made grow so strong!

Our enemies have set it on fire and cut it down;
look at them in anger and destroy them!
Preserve and protect the people you have chosen,
the nation you made so strong.
We will never turn away from you again;
keep us alive, and we will praise you.

Bring us back, Lord God Almighty.
Show us your mercy, and we will be saved (Psalm 80:14-19 GNT).

Whether it was Israel in the Old Testament or the followers of Jesus in the New Testament and beyond, we can do nothing if we are not connected to the source of our spiritual life. Jesus said, “I am the vine, and you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without me” (John 15:5 GNT).

In the final hours that Jesus had with his disciples, he knew there was so much to say and so little time. One thing he wanted them to know was how much they were dependent upon him. Jesus was entrusting his entire mission to them to share with the world—that God loved the world so much and had sent his only begotten Son to save it. They now how the fullness of this message. Jesus reminded them that unless they remained in him and were connected to him continually, there was no possible way they could fulfill their mission of love to the world.

Though we were not privileged to hear Jesus teach, or witness his miracles, or be present for the Last Supper or the day of Pentecost, we do have the same promised Holy Spirit who lives in us and empowers us for loving service. We also have the wonderful gift of the Scriptures that reveal the love of God, the person of Jesus, and the mission of his church.

John, who wrote the Gospel we have focused on over these past eight days, notes the purpose of his writing in this conclusion:

“In his disciples' presence Jesus performed many other miracles which are not written down in this book. But these have been written in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through your faith in him you may have life.” (John 20:30-31 GNT).


Which one of Jesus’s “I am” statements has impacted you the most? Compare it against the list of God’s attributes that you made on day one. Add or delete words and phrases. How have you grown in your understanding of God? Take a minute and think of how you will apply this new understanding to your life. Finally, consider the people you’ve been praying for. How can you ensure that they also have a chance to learn about God through his Word? Did you know there are 3,880 people groups that do not have a single Scripture in their own language? You can help change that in big and small ways. How will you respond to the opportunity to help others know the saving message of the gospel?

Day 7

About this Plan

Share Light: In the Darkness a Light Shines

In the darkness a light shines. John’s Gospel highlights seven statements that Jesus makes about himself that reveal to us who he is, why he came, and why that matters to us. As you read through Old Testament passages and discover who Jesus is, may it comfort you and may it help you think of and pray for those who have yet to hear about the Light of the world.
