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Explore The New TestamentUzorak

Explore The New Testament

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SAY WHAT? (What is the passage saying?)

  • Today we learn that Jesus was born during the time of King Herod. Herod has been described as a madman, an evil genius, and a man prepared to commit any crime to satisfy his ambition. So, when the magi, otherwise known as wise men from the east, came to honor the king of the Jews, this was more than the king could handle. He greatly feared this baby usurping his kingdom... and he was not going to take it. So he lies to the magi, telling them that he wants to go worship this child as well.
  • Fortunately, an angel visits the magi in a dream and warns them not to return to Herod. An angel also appears to Joseph warning him to flee Bethlehem immediately for Egypt. The king is outraged when he realizes that he has been outwitted, and so he calls for the death of all males under the age of 2 in the hopes that he can get rid of the threat this special child posed to him.
  • The three gifts the wise men brought Jesus carry great meaning for Jesus' future life and death:
    • Gold represents royalty and kings, Jesus symbolizing the ultimate king.
    • Frankincense was used by the Jewish priests to worship in the temple, symbolizing Jesus as the final High Priest, or, the one who connects people to God.
    • Myrrh was often used as a burial oil, foretelling Jesus’ death and his ultimate sacrifice for our sins.
  • Matthew 2 skips forward several years in verse 19. King Herod has finally died, and now Joseph and his family can head back to Israel. However, instead of settling back in their hometown of Bethlehem, Joseph decides to go north of Judah to the small town of Nazareth.
  • The 3rd chapter of Matthew starts abruptly with John the Baptist preaching and preparing the way for Jesus. (To learn more about John the Baptist, read Luke 3.) John’s message was powerful and convinced many people to repent of their sin and be baptized. Even the Pharisees and Sadducees (teachers of the law) came to hear him. However, John knew they weren’t there for the right reasons, so he called them out publicly.
  • Jesus himself comes out to the river Jordan to hear John speak. John was Jesus’ cousin.
  • Jesus requests that John baptize him. John initially refuses, feeling unworthy because he knew Jesus was the Messiah. However, John obeys Jesus’ request.
  • As Jesus is baptized, God speaks from heaven, affirming Him and letting everyone know that Jesus was his son.

SO WHAT? (What are the underlying principles?)

  • From day one it was obvious that Jesus was no ordinary child and that what made Him special would also make His life difficult.
  • God interacts with humans. He is not a God who created the world and then stepped back to watch. He is not a God who gives the world principles to live by and wishes them luck. He is a God who is relational and who interacts with people who seek His guidance.
  • Baptism is so important to God that even Jesus did it. Jesus didn’t have to get baptized for the reasons we do, but he did it to set an example for us.
  • Jesus came down from heaven to sacrifice his own life for ours. This was the greatest act of obedience. God saw this and was greatly pleased. He loved his son very much and wanted him to know.

NOW WHAT? (How will you personally apply this passage?)

  • Have you experienced God interacting with you? If so, what was it like?
    • Did He prompt you to do something?
    • Personalize a Bible verse or a sermon so it seemed like it was just for you?
    • Speak the perfect thing you needed to hear through a friend of yours?
  • If you haven't experienced the feeling that God was specifically moving in your life, why do you think that is?
    • Are you truly living in a relationship with Him?
    • Are you inviting Him to act?
    • Are you seeking His guidance?
  • John the Baptist deferred attention people wanted to give him so he could point people to Jesus. In your life, do you make it your goal to point people to Jesus? Is his “fame” more important to you than yours’? Why or why not?
  • Jesus knew it would please God for Him to be baptized, so He did it. In your life, are you willing to do whatever God wants you to do? Do you live your life to please Him? If not, what could help you move more towards living that kind of life?
  • Have you been baptized? Why or why not? Baptism is an outward sign of an inward commitment to following Jesus; it’s a public proclamation of trust in Jesus. Typically in the Bible people get baptized as soon as they place their trust in Jesus (it’s not the end of the journey as much as it is the beginning of one). However, Jesus was around 30 years old when he was baptized, and he’d been following God his whole life. If Jesus was willing to be baptized, so should we. If you are just putting your faith in Jesus, or if you’ve been following Him for awhile but haven’t gotten baptized, what’s keeping you?

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Explore The New Testament

New to the Bible and not sure where to start? This plan takes you through every chapter of the New Testament with helpful explainers.
