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She Yearns: Habits of a Godly WomanShembull

She Yearns: Habits of a Godly Woman


Did you know you and I are members of the loneliest generation on record? Half the population reports being lonely some or most of the time. The Centers for Disease Control has labeled loneliness an epidemic, warning that social isolation carries serious health issues like increased risk of premature death, dementia, depression, anxiety, and suicide.

God knows we need each other for greater reasons than our physical and mental well-being. The Bible teaches that like iron sharpening iron, you and I can sharpen one another together. Coming together enables us to grow into better disciples than we could become on our own. This close relationship means we can celebrate life’s triumphs, mourn in life’s defeats, and help bear each other’s burdens (Romans 12:15; Galatians 6:2). This relationship is God’s aim because it is unity and love that cause others to take notice. Clearly, we are better off together than apart.

Not only is living in community beneficial, it is our spiritual responsibility. We are to “warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, and help the weak” (1 Thessalonians 5:14). Sometimes God uses our very presence to bring comfort to those in need (2 Corinthians 7:6-7), and we always have the responsibility of spurring “one another on toward love and good deeds,” encouraging one another as we go (Hebrews 10:24-25). You need me, and I need you. Plunging ourselves into community as a lifestyle is the expectation for becoming more like Jesus.

How does one make living in community a habit? It looks a lot like how Jesus lived in terms of time, energy, and sacrifice. Paul calls us to “empty ourselves,” as Jesus did for us, considering others over ourselves (Philippians 2:1-8). Service can be as simple as checking on a neighbor or delivering food to an overwhelmed mom. But it will also place us on the receiving end of generosity and the humble benevolence of others. God’s design for His people is one of give and take within the bounds of relationship. The woman yearning to grow in godliness makes community life a habit.

Consider what plugging into community might look like for you. I pray that in the next few days, God gives you wisdom to recognize how to encourage and serve one another with your life.

Did this plan encourage you? We’d love to get to know you better. Connect with Cheri Strange at www.sheyearns.com/what-is-next/.

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She Yearns: Habits of a Godly Woman

Do you ever long for deeper intimacy with God, yearning to embody the characteristics of a godly woman in your daily life? If so, you're not alone. Delve into the timeless truths Scripture offers with Cheri Strange. Together, we will explore practical habits that help cultivate spiritual growth.
