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Unbroken FocusShembull

Unbroken Focus



“9 Let us not become weary in doing good,

for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”


In today’s devotional, we’re going to talk about unbroken faithfulness. Faithfulness is

a key component to sustaining focus. If you’re going to be faithful this season, you

must be full of faith. You will not be faithful to anything you don’t have faith in. It’s not

that we lack focus, but we lack the faith to remain focused. We all have the ability to

focus; we can scroll on Instagram for hours without taking our eyes off the screen.

Whatever you have faith in will determine what you focus on. Peter took a major step

of faith by stepping out of the boat and walking on water, but he could not sustain it

because he took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink. As Jesus walked over to save

him, He asked Peter, “Ye of little faith, why did you doubt?” Notice Jesus didn’t say,

“Ye of little focus, why did you doubt?” Peter didn’t sink because he lacked focus; he

sank because he lacked faith, which caused him to misplace his focus on the wind

and the waves instead of remaining focused on Jesus. In this season, God wants us

to develop a level of faithfulness that is steadfast and unmovable. Before we go to the

next level, we need to identify the wind in our lives that causes us to focus on anything

other than Jesus. We tend to get weary of doing well when life gets windy. Can you

be faithful enough to continue to do well when the wind and the waves blow in your

life? Though the wind may have moved you, God is the one who made you, and He

has given you the ability to withstand the wind and the waves in your life. You’re made

for this!

Galatians 6:9 encourages us that, at the PROPER TIME, we WILL reap a harvest if we

do not give up. The key to developing unbroken faithfulness is trusting God’s proper

timing. If there’s a proper time to reap, then there must be an improper time to reap.

When the enemy can’t convince you to quit, he’ll try to convince you to be “quick.”

When he can’t get you to give up on God, he’ll try to get you to move ahead of God.

Moving ahead of God is equivalent to moving without God. Numerous examples in the Bible

show us the pace at which God wants us to move. Galatians 5:16 says, “So, I say, walk by

the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” The key word here is “walk.” God

wants us to walk with Him; He never wants us to be in a hurry because He’s never in a hurry.

God is not subject to time; He doesn’t have a deadline. Because God is the creator of time,

He can never be too late or too soon; He can only be on time. God wants us to walk, not run,

because our judgment is compromised when moving too fast. I love how Galatians 5:16 also says,

“When you walk by the spirit, you will NOT gratify the desires of the flesh.” Often, our greatest

mistakes are produced by a hurried pace. Our desires always scream “now, not later,”

and the best way to combat that is to WALK. Notice it says, “Walk BY the Spirit,” not

ahead of Him but with Him. We are most vulnerable when we are ahead of God. Trust

God’s timing and pace for your life, and you’ll reap the harvest at the RIGHT time.

God is a rewarder of diligence and consistency. God honors healthy and righteous

HABITS. Your harvest is at the mercy of your habits! Whatever you reap reflects your

routine. You will never reap a harvest that is contrary to your habits. The enemy is

afraid of diligent people. Anytime the enemy attempts to disrupt diligence, he does it

through discouragement. Discouragement is one of the greatest weapons against

diligence. The enemy will try to deceive you into thinking nothing is happening. When

the enemy can’t overtake you, he’ll try to overwhelm you. It’s his goal to make you

think that your labor is in vain so that you’ll eventually give up. Don’t allow what you

don’t see to disrupt your faithfulness. The Bible encourages us to WALK by faith and

not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). You must understand that everything you see is

seasonal. Some of you have no idea how close you are. If you remain faithful, you will

reap the harvest in its proper season and timing.


Dear God, I come to You asking for forgiveness of all my sins. God, I pray that You

would create a clean heart and renew the right spirit in me. God, I’m tired and

growing weary. God, I pray that You would give me rest amid my weariness. God,

pick me up when I began to sink in my doubt; pick me up when I began to sink in

my anxiety. God, help me to stay committed to You. Help me not to give my attention

to things that keep me away from You. God, I divorce anything I’ve been faithful to

that causes me to walk away from You. God, grant me a willing spirit to remain

consistent and diligent. Rain on my seed; shine on my seed, Lord, so my harvest

may be plentiful. God, calm my spirit with Your peace, so I won’t be in a hurry to

move ahead of You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Dita 4

Rreth këtij plani

Unbroken Focus

In this devotional, we will discuss how to develop a level of focus that is indestructible. To develop unbroken focus, we must become spiritually and mentally immune to distractions. We will all be presented with various distractions; the key is how we respond to them.
