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Living Changed: With ConfidenceShembull

Living Changed: With Confidence


The Winding Road

Have you ever had a dream in your life that felt impossible? Something you felt meant to do, but because of unfavorable circumstances or negative commentary from others, it seemed unreachable? When God puts a desire in your heart and gives you a vision for something He’s calling you to do, He doesn’t promise the road will be easy. Oftentimes, it takes confidence in God to keep pushing and keep taking one more step for as long as it takes.

Joseph knew what it was like to have an impossible dream. He was one of 12 brothers in a family of shepherds, and God showed him that one day his entire family would bow down to him. When he shared this with his older brothers, they hated him for it and sold him into slavery. Then Joseph was harassed, falsely accused, and thrown into prison for two years. At that point, it would have been understandable if he doubted the dream God had given him.

However, with God’s help, Joseph warned Pharaoh that a seven-year famine was coming and advised him on how to save Egypt from ruin. For his wisdom, Joseph was put in a position of honor and power, second only to Pharaoh. Because of this position, Joseph was able to save his family from starvation.

Joseph’s brothers didn’t recognize him when they bowed down and asked to buy food, but he recognized them. Instead of turning them away empty-handed for what they had done to him, Joseph showed them mercy. He was able to see how God used every painful circumstance for his good and to rescue his family.

Joseph’s story gives us an example of what it looks like to wait with confidence. He never gave up hope but kept pushing forward despite one setback after another. He could have easily been frustrated by the many things done to him and allowed bitterness to grow in his heart. Instead, he stayed ready and willing to be used by God, following Him one step at a time, even when the path didn’t make sense.

Maybe God has given you a dream, and you can’t see the path forward. Perhaps you shared what God was calling you to do with others, and they mocked or dismissed you. Or maybe you’re questioning whether you even heard from God at all. If you feel discouraged, remember Joseph’s journey and let it renew your confidence in God’s ability to work all things for your good, for His purpose, and in His perfect timing.

God had a purpose and a plan for your life long before you were born. When other people stand in your way, and Satan comes against you, it doesn’t mean God has changed His mind about His calling on your life. God may be preparing you to do what He wants you to do. Or maybe, like Joseph, the detours you hit are setting you up to be in the exact right place at the right time.

No matter what happens, nothing surprises God. He knew everything you would face when He gave you your assignment. When God makes a promise, He makes a way. Don’t lose confidence in the dream He put in your heart. Through every up and down, keep your eyes on God, and He will lead you through.

Action Step: What dream has God placed on your heart? What detours have you experienced that make you doubt your calling? Spend some time reflecting on these questions. Write down what you feel God prompting you to do so that when doubts come, you can remember and stand strong.

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Living Changed: With Confidence

Is there something you feel like you were made to do, but you’ve let fear hold you back? When we believe that God is the all-powerful God described in the Bible, we can live with confidence that only comes from Him. This 5-day plan explores Bible stories that will help you know God more and inspire you to live boldly for Him every day.
