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You Are Free With Judah LupisellaShembull

You Are Free With Judah Lupisella


Day Two

Combat the devil with an action, obviously within Biblical boundaries. I’ll give you a personal example: I used to deal with social anxiety and the fear that I would fail God whenever I went into public places. There was this constant lie in my head that made me feel personally responsible to tell literally everyone that Jesus loves them. Evangelism is great, and I love it, but this feeling wasn’t the Lord, and it created an unrealistic burden that turned into a torment and stronghold of social anxiety and fear. It got so bad that I didn’t even want to leave my house, and I would make up excuses to not go out in public places. It was demonic and straight from the pit of hell.

Since Jesus delivered me from social anxiety, I’m not in bondage to social anxiety and fear anymore. I can go anywhere and do anything without social anxiety and the fear of failing the Lord, all glory to God. In fact, since being delivered, I've been more useful for the Kingdom of God and have been able to tell more people about Jesus; praise God! However, there have been many times since my deliverance that I’ve been in public places and have felt a discreet, anxious thought or feeling try to creep back in. Yet, by the power of the Holy Spirit and the freedom He has given me, I am instantly able to shake it off in Jesus’ name and essentially spit in the devil’s pathetic face by responding in faith, with an action, despite the temptation to give in to my flesh. For example, one day I was coming down the stairs from our apartment and heard the sound of a truck and immediately felt anxious. Instead of being bound up in anxiety until it crippled me into condemnation, I immediately, by the power of the Holy Spirit, went and talked to that person about Jesus. In doing so, the love of God was spread, and the devil was reminded of his rightful place—under my feet.

If the devil whispers a lie that you’re not free from what you’ve been delivered from, or if something is placed in front of you that you used to be unable to deny, then violently confront the devil with your actions and show him that you are free—his lies will not affect you like they used to.

There is no taunting or temptation that you can’t endure by the power of the Holy Spirit. “No temptation has overtaken you except something common to mankind; and God is faithful, so He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

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You Are Free With Judah Lupisella

YOU ARE FREE! There is nothing that could ever take your freedom away from you. There is a reason that the Word of God clearly states: “So if the Son sets you free, you really will be free” (John 8:36). Be encouraged in your God-given freedom by starting this 3-day plan, today!
