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DITA 20 NGA 30

Ephesians 4:29 might be one of the most challenging verses in all of the Bible. Think about it. On a day-to-day basis, other than thinking thoughts, you and I don’t do anything more than use words. We use words to communicate with family, friends, coworkers, and even with the robot assistants on our phones. Words are constantly coming out of our mouth, so when Paul says, “Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” we can’t help but be challenged. The question is why? Why is Paul so extreme with how we speak to others? Here’s the big principle for today: just like your thoughts shape and direct your life, your words shape and direct the lives of those around you. Your words can either build others up or they can tear others down.

We all understand the harm our words can cause if not chosen carefully. We all understand that things like gossip, saying things with hatred, or using foul language aren’t good. But the challenging part often comes with this question: What if I’m kidding? What if I didn’t mean it when I said _____? What if it was just a joke, and I didn’t mean it that way? Though the intention of our words matter, the truth is that the enemy doesn’t care about your intentions. He will use any unwholesome talk against someone all the same. He is the father of lies, and his only weapon is deception. Speaking words that cut down, poke fun at, or are negatively spoken at someone else's expense, is like putting a bullet into the enemy’s only gun. He will use it regardless of if we meant it that way or not.

The good news, though, is that our words can be just as effective in building others up! In the ESV version of verse 29, it says that our words can give grace to those who hear them. Your words can be the divine enablement in someone taking a next step, getting through a challenging situation, or being reaffirmed in who God says they are! Your words can be the vehicle of God’s Will being done in someone else’s life. That is the power of your words.

Prayer Points

  • Take inventory of the words you’ve been using lately. Have they been building others up or tearing others down?
  • If you’ve used words to tear others down, spend some time asking for repentance.
  • Ask God to show you how you can build others up today.

Shkrimet e Shenjta

Dita 19Dita 21

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This 30-day devotion will take you through the entire book of Ephesians. In Ephesians, we see the fullness of the Gospel and what it means for our lives.
