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Freedom and the Single Mom: By Jennifer MaggioShembull

Freedom and the Single Mom: By Jennifer Maggio


There’s a War No One is Talking About.

Spiritual warfare is real. There is an unseen world that rages against us. We see this in today’s Scripture. Colossians 1:15-17 teaches us about the unseen world, including thrones, kingdoms, and rulers. Moms, most of what you wrestle is not in what you see. It is not in your ex-husband, your mother-in-law, or your children. It is not in the boss, the school principal, or an overbearing mother. You are wrestling against an unseen world!

Why is no one talking about this war? Why are church services so light on spiritual warfare teaching? The ministry I am privileged to serve with has now served over 1,000,000 single mothers. To God be the glory! I’ve had the great honor of speaking in churches of many sizes and denominations. Do you know how many times I have been at an altar or in a conversation in the back room of a church, where a woman said to me, “Now, please don’t think I’m crazy, but….” and then began to explain the spiritual warfare she’s experiencing?

Perhaps we don’t talk about this war because we fear what others may think. Maybe we fear that the complexities of the unseen realm are too hard to explain. Whatever the case, there is too little writing, podcasts, videos, or speakers willing to teach about warfare. And let’s be real. The enemy knows it. Too many Believers are falling apart in their homes, jobs, relationships, finances, and parenting because they are fighting the wrong war. So… let’s look at some tactics for spiritual warfare:

  1. Remember that the full armor of God is required so that we are able to stand firm. The full armor is found in Ephesians 6: 12-18. The full armor ensures we are immovable and unshakable in this hour - that we are able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Put on every piece of armor every day. Don't come half-dressed to the war, or you'll leave beat up and limping like the sons of Sceva. (See Acts 19:11-20). The enemy knows when you are under-dressed or ill-prepared. Are your spiritual disciplines in alignment with the war you face? Are you using them as your weapon to defend against the attacks you see in your life? Your home?
  2. Come with a strategy. The devil doesn't come meek and confused. He doesn’t come tired and afraid. He comes with a strategy, a plan. He is relentless. Ignoring spiritual warfare doesn’t make it any less real. Do not come to this war emotionally or lacking strategy. If you think Satan will sit idly by while you fight for your family and take territory for the Kingdom, think again. His strategies are to steal, kill, and destroy. Evaluate what tactics he may have used in the past in your life that may have been effective. Be prepared with strategies. What are the tools he used in past wars to distract, confuse, discourage, depress, or infuriate you? How do you guard against that now? Where do we get our strategies? From the Holy Spirit! Spend time in prayer, truly in the Secret Place, allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal effective strategies, such as what to say, where to go, how to react, or how to withstand.
  3. We are not fighting flesh & blood. Remember this truth in the midst of the war you face. Your war isn’t against people. Too many of us are getting caught up in fights we were not intended to fight. You are not warring against your children, friends, coworkers, or family. We battle the unseen. We often fight carnally with what we see, not supernaturally with what we don’t see. We must come against the spirit, not against the person.

These are just three-pointers for spiritual warfare. Truth be told, I could probably write an entire book on this subject, and I just might one day. Moms, save this devotional. Refer to it time and again. In the height of my pain, as a hurting single mom, I went back to these seven things, time and again, and claimed freedom in each one. May you experience the joy, hope, freedom, and peace that only our Lord can bring.

Points to Ponder:

  • Have there been times when you were caught off guard by the enemy and responded in a way that didn’t honor God? Were there times when you were caught up in the temporary moment of a situation versus the eternal outcome? Explain.
  • Join Single Mom University – absolutely free. With over 175 classes to grow your faith, you’ll learn effective strategies to be a warrior single momma in Christ. Simply visit www.SingleMomUniversity.com and fill out a scholarship application using coupon code: YouVersion.
  • For more on experiencing peace as a single mom, check out the full book, Peace and the Single Mom: 50 Moments of Calm in the Chaos, at www.thelifeofasinglemom.com.

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Freedom and the Single Mom: By Jennifer Maggio

If you find yourself in this devotional as a single mom, it’s likely the weight is heavy, right now. Does anybody hear me? Does anybody see me? You may be wondering. Are you desperate for true freedom – the freedom that restores your joy, offers fresh hope, removes the weight of the past, and lifts the burden? What are you bound to? Comparison? Bitterness? Unforgiveness? Fear? I know those feelings very well. As you read, may there be deep revelation, may every chain fall.
